what should I do?

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what should I do?

Post by Raja's_mom »

My Irn is just a baby about 16 weeks old and He won't eat any seeds except sunflower seed and all he eats if I give him his seed mix withou the sunflower is veggies. he seem to just love any kind of veggies I give him weather the are cooked in a mash or raw and fresh. The other day I made a mash for my birds it had sweet potatp,peas, carrots, broccoli, lima beans.kidnybeans, alpha-bet pasta,brown and wild rice, and a bit of cheese in it well that little guy didn't lift his head out of his dish until every morsel was gone. his favorite treat is a peice of apple. he will eat peanuts (human grade) ,walnuts, and Pinenuts but I'm worried because he won't eat pellets or his seed mix. do You think he can get all his nutritional needs from eggs twice a week and fresh and cooked veggies daily. Idon't know if he has to have the seed part as long as he gets nuts veggies grains from pasta and other mashes that I make for them. I never had a bird that wouldn't eat his seed mix before it kinda worry's me
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Post by SkyBaby »

Luck you. I have the opposite problem with Sky. All he wants is seed. I'm gonna convert him to a pellet diet. That could be something you could try, too. I heard lima beans are bad for birds.. but don't quote me on that. Sky loves apples, too. Sun flower seeds are fattening though, so veggies are the best thing you can give him at this point. At least your baby eats his veggies. Sky nibbles 'em but doesn't like 'em. :D There's nothing wrong with him only eating veggies. That's actually a good thing. You could throw in a few sun flower seeds once in a while, but that shouldn't be the staple. If you want to regularly keep seed in his cage along with veggies, i recommend a non-sunflower seed blend. Local pet stores and feed shops have that mix. Convert him pellets as soon as you can though. A combination of pellets and fruit and veggies is the best diet for any parrot. It's a lot easier to convert baby birds to pellets than older ones. You might want to start now. Throw some interesting seed mixes in there once in a while, though. Parrots loooove a varied diet.

Sorry about the lecture.. :D I've been doing some reading, but if it turns out i'm wrong about any of this, please don't hesitate to tell me. :)

Hope this helped!
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Post by Raja's_mom »

I keep pellets in his csge all the time he won't touch them I've tried at least 6 or 7 different kinds he just won't eat anything except what I said in my first post I guess hi will be okay but I do worry mabie I shoud give him some vitimins or somthing like that.Lima beans raw or sprouted can be toxic after they are cooked there fine.
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Post by mvd12720 »

don't feel bad my Powder will not eat pellets or seeds only his fruit and veggies but i did make up some birdy bread and he is liking that with seeds and pellets in it
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Post by Raja's_mom »

Mabie I'll try that what did you make the bread out of I have some cornbread mix or some muffin mix will either of these work or is there something else i should get please let me know I'd really like to find something else to give him besides fruit and veggetables I'd like to at least get some pellets into him. I have to hand feed one of my birds because he got his beak bit off by my African grey and I offered Raja some of the formula that I feed my other bird and he loves that but I really don't want to have him revert back to being hand fed. he'so spoiled . I like the fact he will take things from a shringe just in case he ever gets sick I'll be able to give him meds easily but I don't want him to think I going to totaly start hand feeding him again a couple times a week as a treat mabie but not eaveryday.
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