Update from sky and blue any advice?

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Skyler & blue
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Update from sky and blue any advice?

Post by Skyler & blue »

Sky and blue seem to be settling well. Today I only gave them grapes and apples and after a little while they munched away so then I added some celery and they threw it out. I've now put a small mix of pellet and seed I think it's the first time they've been introduced to pellet but I've read that there healthiest on a diet of pellet and fruit/veg is this true and also should I put their food on a sort of rota basis or all 3 every day in certain quantities fruit and veg being the biggest? Any advice appreciated. Thanks Sarah.
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Re: Update from sky and blue any advice?

Post by AJPeter »

Hallo Sarah,
I tried to get my Alex hen off seed onto pellets but it was a failure, l tried for six weeks offering serparate bowls but no she would not eat pellets. The vet said l should have tried for six months, now my Bird Billie has three bowls; her seeds (Two tablespoons), a bowl pellets/grains/pearl barley/grated coconuts (good for her coat) she wil eat from this bowl when she is hungry but stays on seeds l also have bowls of fresh fruit in the mornings and vegeatable in the afternoons, she has a spoonful of cooked porridge for breakfast and cooked roots and pods for dinner, fresh portion of pomegranite hanging up. She makes a tour of all the bowls and samples each as the fancy takes her.

People who recomend pellets say it is healthier than seeds but our birds need fresh fruit and vergeatabes as well. A mix of seeds, grains, fruit and vegeatables is good for them.

Billie and l really enjoying sharing Shepherds pie on Sundays she enjoys my rice and stew on saturdays, and chicken and chips on mondays, she likes cooked corn l prefer peas so get a mix which we share. The rest of the week it is steamed veg and corned beef for me and she will enjoy a few cooked sugar snap pea pods and swede but she also enjoys raw swede and sugar snap pea pods. But she still gets all her bowls and other extras/

Becasue she is in a molt l give her two pinches of "Feather up"

Variety is the spice of life.
Skyler & blue
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2014 11:41 am

Re: Update from sky and blue any advice?

Post by Skyler & blue »

Thanks for the advice, gave them pellet yesterday and they did have a little nibble but that's because I diddnt offer any alternative so after they had some I gave
them some veggies green beans carrots and lettuce they only ate the carrot but I'm happy with there progress as they are still settling and were still getting used to each other also they were wild so I think there doing amazing they have a little fly around for an hour or so and will go back in the cage on their own and sky will let me come close and talk to her while blue is not so fussed! I m looking forward to getting to the point where I can gain their trust and hopefully getting to the step up stage, very early days yet but they have done fab in their first week! I will keep offering seed and pellet and the fruit and veg and in time I will let them have what I have. Thanks so much for you help :-)
Skyler & blue
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2014 11:41 am

Re: Update from sky and blue any advice?

Post by Skyler & blue »

Also I will start giving feather up you mentioned as sky's tail isn't looking so good so hopefully this will help how do I know if their going through molt? thanks, sarah
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Re: Update from sky and blue any advice?

Post by Donovan »

if they're willing to take food from your hand then try just handing them a pellet... that's how my bird learned to like it.. he gets pellets once or twice a week.. he doesn't make a huge meal out of it but it gives him something to munch on...

Also I have been able to use them as training rewards which surprised me but it worked
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Re: Update from sky and blue any advice?

Post by AJPeter »

Billie will take and eat pellets from my hand so that is good advice Donavan thanks, as for molt Skyler and Blue there will be feathers in the bottom of the cage.

l think the Feather Up has helped Billie's molt she does not seem to be itchy but is shedding feathers l gave he a good misting today with rain water and some Aloe Vera. It is the big clear up day when l scrub her tray and cage, thoroughly vacuum the floor.
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