My kukku hass become furious suddenly

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My kukku hass become furious suddenly

Post by jackieggn »


I have an Alexandrine parrot which I got as a baby in last April, so he will be turning 1 year soon. It has not developed a ring around the neck so I am not sure if he is a male or female.

Recently he has become a furious biting parrot where two of my fingers were injured (on different days) to a level that even blood came out when he bit me. He is very afraid of the hands going near him that he starts flying here and there in the cage as soon as he sees a hand coming nearly.
Otherwise my parrot is such a sweetheart that he has also started saying his name recently. I don't know what to do and get him back to how he was earlier without any fear from humans or anyone. I could touch him on his feathers, scratch his neck and head without he being disturbed of anything.

Here is a bit of a history-
My parrot had got both it's legs fractured when he was a baby and was learning to fly. I got him plastered at the vet but one of his legs couldn't be restored in the original position and the bone was fixed in a horizontal position rather than vertical. I showed him to couple of other vets but they expressed that nothing could be done now. My poor baby was permanently disabled and couldn't walk after that but still wanted to fly, which didn't work out as he couldn't land properly after the flight with just one leg in vertical position. As a result I had to clip his wings fearing that he may hurt himself. I get him out of the cage in open where he crawls with one leg and beak but doesn't fly because he knows that his wings are clipped. But he was a happy bird chirping whole day, whistling and saying his name until some time back.

Few days back I thought of letting my kukku fly in the open so that he doesn't feel that he is deprived of flight and would also get to exercise his body and wings. I did it couple of times on different days. I used to hold him and give him a push so that he can make a small flight. Although he couldn't fly properly but could get small flight with a height of about 2-3 feet.
"What I believe is that this attempt for him to fly has brought in fear in my bird that I may release him or not sure if he thinks I want to throw him away." Soon after that he started fearing with my hand going near him when I open the cage and put my hand in. He still eats when I give him something but with my hands outside the cage.

Could someone help me understanding what I should do now as I am quite unhappy with this state of my kukku. Should I just leave him in the cage for couple of weeks and not open the cage and get my hand near him? But would this mean that he will develop a fear of my hands forever?
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Re: My kukku hass become furious suddenly

Post by SunniDai »

I am by no means a pro at this myself, but I would suggest you not "give him a push so that he can make a small flight". I believe he understands that he is vulnerable all the time, and when you push him, that is showing him that your hands can't be trusted.
Can he still not walk at all? How does he get around?

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Re: My kukku hass become furious suddenly

Post by SunniDai »

Can you post a picture of him?

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Re: My kukku hass become furious suddenly

Post by MissK »

I have to agree that it would be best not to try to get him to fly when his wings are clipped. It seems an awful lot like dropping any other non flighted creature.

Given I have no experience with his physical condition, I would still hope you will let his wings grow in. I think flight will be extra important for him, both physically and emotionally, since his walking is impaired. Ask the vet if you can rig him some flat landing platforms about the house and if it might not help him quite a bit. I'm thinking of something flat with enough texture for traction but not enough to snag his toenails, since if he trips he cannot catch himself, and large enough to allow for some mistakes while learning.

Certainly give him some space and time to forget you dropping him. If hands frighten him, don't make him be near hands. He learned that hands can bring trouble. Let him learn again, that hands can be nearby without causing trouble, and that they only bring good thing. When he makes new associations he should change his reaction.

Good luck and keep us posted. I know we'd all love to see a photo or two!
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Re: My kukku hass become furious suddenly

Post by AJPeter »

I agree with MissK, Kukku is frightened by hands and you must rebuild that trust. Sit by the cage when you eat your meal leave his door open, parrots like to eat when we do, it will give him confidence. I have a fully flighted bird but as long as l take sensible precautions she will not escape. I take her out into the garden in a cage during summer, she feels protected by the cage.
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Re: My kukku hass become furious suddenly

Post by clawnz »

I feel you need to let him grow his flight feathers back in. Then spend time teaching him he can land safely on one leg.
Flight is his only way to get around and you stopped that. So it could be the lack of confidence that has caused what you are seeing. I would say he feels very vulnerable right now.
You need to go back to basics and work on gaining his trust using Positive Reinforcement training.

Handicapped birds do learn to live with it very well and given the chance he will learn to land with just one foot.
Be positive and do not use any force which is negative.
Also look at anything you can do to improve his quality of life, like making it easier for him to get around.

I have a Budgie who has crippled feet and cannot hold on with them yet she flys around and lands ok most of the time.
I say most of the time as a few weeks back we were watching her and she fell off a perch, recovered in mid air flew back and missed the landing. Twice she did this the third time she managed to catch the branch with her beak and just hung there for a few seconds before she gave it up and flew off to another branch.
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Re: My kukku hass become furious suddenly

Post by MissK »

Nice points, Clawnz, and helpful.
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Re: My kukku hass become furious suddenly

Post by jackieggn »

Thank you all for your replies and help on the topic. You all are awesome with the feedback I have got.

I have certainly stopped touching him or taking may hands close to him as I feel so bad when I see him afraid from hands. I will give him time to gain the trust back, I am sure he will be fine as I have never hurt him. I give him him musk melon seeds as treat because he loves it. He eats them happily from my hands outside the cage.

Can someone help me know how do I check if he is a male or female. He is hand-bred and will be 1 year old in April but I don't see a ring developing yet.
Also, how long do the feathers take to re-grow. Is there anything I can do to accelerate this process?

I have posted the images below. You would see that his beak is not so red as it should be but not sure what nutrients he lacks. We do give him fruits and vegetables apart from the seeds, etc.
DSC_0500.jpg (76.32 KiB) Viewed 3788 times
DSC_0488.jpg (76.92 KiB) Viewed 3788 times
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Re: My kukku hass become furious suddenly

Post by MissK »

Your bird looks like a sweetheart. :)

Time will tell, or the vet can check a DNA sample for the sex. They can also consult on nutrition, though you can search for that info here using the SEARCH function. I am guessing your bird will relax about hands within a few months - just a guess - as you are accommodating his need for space.

Having never seen this situation with the leg at that angle, I"d like to know if he can move the leg and grip with the foot? I imagine he will have developed some coping strategies by now. His tail may see a lot of use as a support, and so may get a little beaten up over time. Looking ahead, I wonder if the moult will be hard on him when he replaces his tail.....
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Re: My kukku hass become furious suddenly

Post by jackieggn »

Thanks MissK

Yes the leg does move, but very little. It never moves down and hence it cannot use to walk with both legs. It can move the claws and use them for gripping the cage or any support.

And yes, the tail as you see has wore off because of excess use.
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Re: My kukku hass become furious suddenly

Post by clawnz »

Great on you.

DNA test if you really want to know sex. You can do this yourself as enough. If you look up online and see what labs you can send samples to, and much cheaper than getting your vet to do this.
Pulling two feathers is simple enough and will not hurt the bird. Taking blood (if it is for a lab like MDS they will except dried blood) it is again simple to prick a toe just above the nail and get a tiny little spot and let it dry.
With any way you do this this it is important to make sure sample does not get contaminated.
But is it important or not.
Alex are great birds regardless of sex. Gentle Giants. Or at least Dexter is. And I am sure yours will be. They do learn when you love them and have been trying to help.
I find this more true of handicapped birds, or at least true with the ones I have had the pleasure to deal with.

I would consult with an Avian vet about the leg. even though he can use it and does have some movement in it, I am thinking he maybe better off with just the one leg.
Sorry I am not trying to be mean. I see the leg as being an issue sticking out like that.
If you decide to leave it and let him deal with it, then.
A: Watch he does not get it caught anywhere, as he will panic and could get hurt.
B: The nails on that foot will not get any wear and will need cutting regularly to keep them in check.
We had a one legged Minor (wild) around outside for well over 4yrs and had a mate around as well.

With the flight feathers the cut ones or at least some of them can be pulled. But I would leave this to the vet as outer ones will hurt if the bird is not put under for this operation.
Imping is another way and would get it back in the air very quick. The snag here is having feathers to imp with.

If the beak is flaking it could just be a molt, it takes a few months to complete.
If the feathers are soft and glossy then the beak will be ok.
Your baby looks to be in good order to me.
Diet the others have already given you good advice.
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Re: My kukku hass become furious suddenly

Post by AJPeter »

Jackieggn why do you want to know the sex?

I always maintain that the sex is in the name although l get into trouble for saying it. I live about 5 miles from a prison and the birds around there have one leg or other injuries due to the prisoners trying to catch them and turn them into pets.

Quite often you can determine the sex by how your bird behaves
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