Are my birds normal???

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Are my birds normal???

Post by ange »

Hey guys,
How are you? I was looking at all your photos, and was wondering why my irn will not sit on our fingers, they will sit on my shoulder and walk up my arm, but freaks when i put my fingers near them, anyone have any ideas how to make them explore a bit more????
Also, my green irn went to the vet a while ago, was on antibioics, and his/hers tail feathers begun to fall out, i dont think it helps that he always pushes his tail against the cage, however, his last tail feather fell out tonight, he looks so small, will they grow back????? :(
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Post by cylent »

i have the same problem but then again i am still new.

my baby budgie still freak out but they will get on the fingers and stay there...

my deceased nightingale wouldnt sit on my fingers but prefers the shoulder.

go figure.
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sitting on finger

Post by Janet »

My avian vet told me that birds are often not confident about sitting on fingers. I had one who had parrot panic attacks whenever I made her step up onto my fingers. He suggested they are more confident sitting on your forearm so I tried that and she is now fine and happy to step up onto my finger. He said it is only when they are absolutely confident will they sit on your finger comfortably.

My little one was so freaked out about sitting on my finger that I thought she never would be able to do so. But I was wrong. Once she settled in and spent some time on my forearm, she now very happily steps onto your finger.

U.S Marine
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Post by U.S Marine »

Do you have any pictures, How big is your cage :arrow: :?:
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