Very Angry IRN

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Very Angry IRN

Post by Nafito »

hi all im new to this forum and the wide world of IRN, i have always wanted 1 and my girlfriends dad offered me his son's one that his son no longer took care of and just put it in the avery with all the other birds and killed a few of those birds. So i took him up on the offer and took the bird home gave her a nice cage food water toys, set it all up and tried to get her out of the box into the cage as i grabbed her (without gloves heard that IRN shouldnt be handled like that) she turned and latched onto my finger taking a lil chunk out of it, its only been a day with me on its own i know it will take time but will the bird ever come around and play nice, i believe my girlfriends had his been mean to it since its killed a few of his birds so im worried the bird may never come around into liking and accepting me. please help any tips will be great :cry:

it doesnt pin but it does sit on its swing or perchs and watchs my every move and it i move close to where he his he will move away as far as possible untill u move away and he will slowly go back to the perch or swing.
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Post by Nafito »

some1 any1 want to help a new father out with his angry IRN its stressing me out that i feel hopeless
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Post by sheyd »

Give it time. Offer it lots of good things to eat (veg and fruit) and talk to it daily. After awhile it should become used to your presence and then gradually you should be able to get closer to it. Older birds that aren't tame will take alot more time than a hand raised baby, but it can be done, and is (from what I've heard) well worth the effort- not to mention the satisfaction!

Good luck!
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re: angry bird

Post by sherry »

I also have a rescue that is not tame. You have to establish yourself as a friend and someone that will not hurt him. I give my IRN little bits of fruits or veggies everytime I go pass his cage, and talk with him. He does not move away anymore and will come close and take a treat out of my hand. So far that is the only progress I get. It will take time, but I hear it is well worth the effort. Good Luck!
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Post by pinkdevil »

If you think of it from the birds prospective......
She has been ttaken away from her familar home and put in a strange place with strange sights, smells and sounds. Everything is new and scarey to her. So her first defence is to attack, (by biting your finger) or flee, (by moving as far away as possible). These would be all normal reactions from an aviary bird with little or no handling. Especially if your g/f dad has ben mean to her. :(

Firstly I would give her an area in her cage she can feel safe and hide in, like maybe a partly covered area with a sheet or something. If you have her where she can see you coming and going during the day, she will eventually get used to you and not see you as some nasty monster.
Talk to her and just take things slowly, very slowly. Let her show you when she is ready to take it to the next step.
Keep offering food and treats and move slowly if she freaks out when you are near/in the cage.
Another thing you could try is when she does start to stress, just stop what you are doing and talk gently to her to reassure her all is ok. It may take a minute or it may take 10 minutes before she relaxes again.

With trying different foods, you could try those fruit/seed treats. That way while she is picking at the seeds, she can get to taste the other food in them as well.

I guess when it all boils down to it, you can't undo months or years of aviary life in just a few short days.

Good luck with her as she really is a sweet looking bird.
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Post by bec »

pinkdevil has given you some great suggestions
the stop when she freaks worked well with our gen jen
who we got from people that didnt know how to handle irns
if i was walking to her cage (even just to top up food)
& she got agitated i would stop & just use my calming voice (the very quiet one you used for calming crying babys)
whe you could see her relax i would start moving again
another thing i was told that works well with the birds that sit & stare at you is eat some how this passes on to them that nothings wrong here
& this is how our green boy riku everyday when the kids get home the fruit platter comes outlots of temping yummie for little birdie plus the kids felt the were realy helping with taming the fids & i was happy coz no junkfood for afternoon tea
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Post by Nafito »

she is turning out really good, she is cumming up taking fruit out of my hand and sitting on my finger but wen i try to get her out of the cage she hops right back onto her perch, but its really big step she is so loving just needed time to expect the new sounds and sights, i used to talk to her at my g/f's house wen i was over coz all she done was let out high pitched screams so she knows who i am but jst didnt like the item of me moving her i guess
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Post by pinkdevil »

That is great progress Nafito.

Another thing that could work to get her out of the cage, is to use a stick instead of your finger, then over time gradually shorten the stick until she steps up onto your finger.

Just trying to think of different ideas that may work for her. :)

Seems like you are doing a great job with her though.
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Post by Nafito »

yeh may use a perch i got laying around that is no use anymore and then shorten in like u said over time, thanks for the tips.
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scared bird

Post by Janet »

My birds are all fine with me now but I had one who regularly had parrot panic attacks whenever I went near it. It now runs to me, takes food from my hand and sits on my shoulder and watches the world. Hang in there.
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Post by Photoguy77 »

My personal advise would to allow the bird a few days to adapt to the cage. Allow him to watch your every move. This way the surrounding s will seem somewhat normal after a few short days.

Dont forget to interact, but NO TOUCHING. In this state, the bird is stressed enough. Simply offer it food, maybe some treats..and talk to it. Let him see that your arent a threat, but rather a provider.

After its settled in then allow the bird out the cage and let him play on top (Id recommend clipping it if it isnt already) And at this point slowly work your way into a little more interaction.
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