New Sounds!

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New Sounds!

Post by trooperofhate- »

Paddy has learned a new sound - when we say 'who's a pretty boy' to him, he copies the exacttone of our voices! He will do the noise then we do it back, he would carry on for hours if we kept copying him! Oh, and also, we had a bit of a scare recently that Paddy would be female when we thought he was male since we got him, as my sister in law's ringneck 'Lucky', Paddy's sister, actually turned out to be his brother and we were told that there was one male and one female when we got them, and Paddy was the male, but the vivid red feathers of his ring has starteding through! We are so chuffed! lol

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Post by conurelover2007 »

That is cute, Would love to see a video of him chattering away. :lol:
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Joined: Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:40 am

Post by Aves »

So when did your birdie's ring start to come in (that is, how old)? Just curious because I've been calling my Levi a girl ( shes only 3 months old) although I've heard that the ring can take up to 2 years to show up. Is there even some sort of faint ring? Levi has almost a "negative" ring, it's a lighter shade than the rest of her... It's no biggie if she ends up being male or female, it would just be nice to know I guess. Plus, if I call "her" a "her" and after two years "she" is a "he" I will have issues switching my vocabulary, heheh.
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