Jeremy a question about egg laying

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Jeremy a question about egg laying

Post by Cindy »

Hi Jeremy, I have a question about IRN egg laying...I was wondering if they lay like cockatiels? Do they lay eggs in season, even if they have not be mated? Was just owndering as my female has become very attacted to my hubby and does mate calling to him a lot in this last week...Head back, body flatten tail flat and up, with a coo-coo- click click, ccoo coo click click sound repeated over and over...eyes pinned and in a trance so hard that hubby can touch her face neck and beak (she HATES being touch any other time)... I know breeding season is just around the corner here in USA....I was just wondering if she will lay eggs even if no nest box or mate...if she does, how do we stop her laying and about how many eggs do they lay?
Cindy M. and the Flock of 8
Genetic Advisor
Posts: 426
Joined: Mon Sep 26, 2005 9:59 pm

Post by Jeremy »

They can lay eggs even without a bird partner.
But i doubt she will lay any eggs, just don't supply her with a nestbox and don't give her any potential nesting material.
If she does lay, it will probably be only 2 eggs.
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