please help

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please help

Post by maakk »

i hav a female 1yr old IRN, its been a month now...and she is still the same. she is still soooo scared of us, wen we go near her cage. and if go near her cage at around 8 pm or later she howls at us...why soo??? and she makes very less noise. only gud thing she has started doing is accepting food from our hand....and that too from outside the cage, she grabs it quickly and moves backwards quickly out of fear. wat should i do so tat she doesnt get scared??? and drinks water very less....for ex; once in two days...please help...
also tell how should i give her bath as she is soo scared of us...we havnt taken her out of her cage wat can be done to give bath inside the cage only???
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Location: South Brisbane, Australia

Re: please help

Post by fionalouise1989 »

Hey there Maakk,

Im no expert Ive only had my birdy since november, but you say she screams at you after 8pm? is it dark at 8pm where you are? if so this might be because she wants to go to sleep. In the wild birds normally go to sleep when the sun goes down and get up when the sun rises if that makes sense. Do you cover her cage at night? I have a cover that blocks out all the light so I actually keep my birdy up later at night but then uncover it later in the morning so it gets around the same sleep as it would if were in the wild without distrupting my sleep pattern!

I cant help you with the rest though, Im not experienced with birds being afraid as my bird was already hand tame when I got him.

Good luck
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