Temporary carer, never had any kind of bird before!

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Temporary carer, never had any kind of bird before!

Post by GracieBean »

Hello all! I have joined this forum as I have found myself the temporary carer of an Indian Ringneck named Clyde, who will be staying here for 1 week. He belongs to my little cousin who loves the guy and reckons I should just change and refill his water and food every couple of days, but as he was left to me last minute (his original carer fell through only hours before my cousins flight was schedualed to leave) I haven't been given much info aside from that. I am an avid animal lover (currently have a very spoilt clan of 1 dog and 6 rats) but have zero experience with birds. He is only here for a week but if you could give me some tips on how to make him as comfortable and happy as possible during his stay that would be awesome! I'm going my google research but hearing the thoughts and opinions of you guys would also be appreciated. Even the very very basics would be great. Do I need to cover him at night? Do ringnecks need much human interaction? And what kind of environment should he be left in, temperature/humidty/etc? Will it be ok to keep him in the same room as my (caged) rats or will their scent and ruckus freak him out?

Thank you heaps for any guidance you can give :)
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Re: Temporary carer, never had any kind of bird before!

Post by MissK »

Good Morning Gracie,

Swell of you to step up and take in the bird on such short notice!
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