new babies in my home...SOON

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new babies in my home...SOON

Post by amb4693 »

Hello, good morning everyone, My name Is Ann I live in Waterford Mi, we just as of yesterday bought a little beauty not sure male or female, green ringneck, have two others coming to us on friday been waiting for months for these babies, got cages and so many toys all ready for them, i am one of those that watched hours and hours of videos on these birds and fell head over heals in love, and so did hubby! So long story short here they come, i will have two for sure males, yellow and bright blue, then our fav breeded localy here got two grrens in so we just felt what the heck, why not! We have an amazing african grey now, i just hope they can all be friends! Im so excited but know nothing of looking for advice or any helpfull hints! nice to meet you all!
talk to you very soon im sure,
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Re: new babies in my home...SOON

Post by amb4693 »

Am I invisible???? No replays...hmmm
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Re: new babies in my home...SOON

Post by kimijean »

Sorry Ann,

I'm fairly new to IRN's, but have other birds. The main thing I would like to make sure is that you know about the bluffing stage babies might go through. When people don't know it's coming they often get rid of the bird. :O(

I have a 5 month creamino that I weaned and a baby turquoise that's around 8 or 9 weeks old and is weaning. Goose, the creamino, is a girl; I don't know yet what Caboose, the turquoise, is. :O)

And I'm getting an Congo African Grey baby. He's 16 week old today. I would have him already but he was being fed the recalled Kaytee formula. He has is followup blood draw today and if the results are good I get to bring him home next week. :OD

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Re: new babies in my home...SOON

Post by amb4693 »

Oh yeaaaaaaa a response, thank you, thank you, I also have a Congo, Quincy, love love love him, he is a riot, he's almost 6 yrs old, got him when he was12weeks old, I've heard bout the bluffing stage, the breeder we are getting the two from said they went threw that a few weeks ago for her, so can you explain exactly what this means?? They nip and bite you?? Your birdies sound beautiful! I'm so excited for ours, tomorrow evening they will be here, any tips on what I should or should not do??? Thanks again for the response!!!!
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Re: new babies in my home...SOON

Post by kimijean »

My son named out grey Xandir (Zander) and the plan was I would bring him home before weaned and I would wean him. But he got sick from the bad formula so I don't have him yet. :O(

Thank you, I think all my birds are beautiful. :O) Goose is (as far as I can tell) going through the bluffing stage right now. I weaned her and she will be 5 months old on the 3rd of next month. What she does is randomly get "mad" and attack. She has not drawn blood but I'm very careful if I let her on my shoulder at all. I tell her "no" in a stern voice and praise her when she stops. It only lasts seconds but it happens with almost no warning.

I commented on your post in another thread about putting all three of your birds in one cage. It's really not a good idea to house an odd number of birds together and IRN's often just don't get along with other birds, even other IRN's. Caboose (2(?) month baby) does not like Goose but she wants to be friends.

How old are the two? Did I read somewhere that they're being shipped? When they arrive they are likely going to be scared and it might seem like they were never tame. It could take a while for them to adjust. The best thing you can do is be very patient and take things real slow.

Do you have the green baby(?) yet?

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Re: new babies in my home...SOON

Post by amb4693 »

Hi kim, no green one yet, he, she is just 6 weeks old. It we can visit anytime we want, yes the others are being shipped so I'm ready for some unhappy babies, they are 12 weeks next monday, I'd. Ever put three different birds together, I'm planning on having two together and one separate, I have two new cages! Perhaps I will rotate birds every couple of months! I love Zander!! Maybe it's one I will consider! We have two males for sure and. O clue what the green one is, I like surprises, we are thinking willow for him, her, it's hard to pick a name until I have them here in person, I've seen. Ideas of them. It still want them in person! Where are you located at? If I may ask, I am in Michigan
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Re: new babies in my home...SOON

Post by kimijean »

I was thinking that the green one was a young baby. Your other two went through the bluffing stage right away if only 12 weeks old. Also males are less likely to go through it at all. :O) Because they are so young getting them past their fear should be easier.

I’m glad to hear you won’t have all three in one cage together. But please be prepared to have three cages just incase none get along,. :O)

My son got “Xandir” from a TV program and said we must spell it that way, lol. I don’t watch TV but I guess Xandir is a “colorful” character and is animated. :O)

I like Willow. I almost always have names picked before I get the animal.

I live in Portland, OR.

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Re: new babies in my home...SOON

Post by amb4693 »

Morning kim, yes she said the breeder said they went threw the bluffing stage for her, she had put them together and they refused to completely ween so she had to separate them that's when they did the bluffing stuff and didn't eat regular food, so she put them back together and all is good, been eating for over a week now so she's is shipping them this morning, now can I assume they are really big boogers???? Lol sounds like they like each other, so that's good, hopefully they like me or us as well!! Hubby said awesome name Zander for a grey!!! Talk about a challenge!! Mine is a hoot, he even scolds himself when he bites me then I laugh and he feels this is a game, or he screams OUCH after he bites, yes he's a biter, but only to me, the person who spends the most time with him, feeds, showers him , cleans his cage. It's a love hate relationship, he adores my 16 yr old daughter! Your in for a treat with a grey, I'd have another in a heart beat!!! I think your son got Zander from those race at shows with vin diesel, that's his name in some show!!!
Have a good morning
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Re: new babies in my home...SOON

Post by kimijean »

Today's the big day!! Is your grey the only bird you have right now?

Sounds like you’re going to have your hands fuul with those two. But since they are growing up together and like each other now they may always. At the very least be able to put up with each other. :O)

Xandir comes from an animated show called Drawn Together. It will be interesting with a grey around and I can’t wait. He was a good boy at his vet appointment yesterday. The vet said he looks good and we might have the test results tomorrow. If all is good I can get him Monday. :O)

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Re: new babies in my home...SOON

Post by happybird »

please post pics, nice to see other birds :)
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Re: new babies in my home...SOON

Post by kimijean »

How is everything? Did they arrive OK?

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Re: new babies in my home...SOON

Post by amb4693 »

Hello, I responded to this question somewhere not sure where, but yes thet arrived safely, very skid dish so far but I know I need to be paitient, and I will, they don't run to the back of the cage today when I talk to them, so I feel that's a little progress! Keep the tips and suggestions coming pretty please! I'm thinking I'm gonna need all the help I can
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