I'd like to introduce Henry! (And myself!)

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I'd like to introduce Henry! (And myself!)

Post by BlueberryRingneck »

Hello! My name is Liz and my lovely blue mutation ringneck's name is Henry.

My brother got him for me on April 4th and he is about 2.5-3 months old now. He is as sweet and cuddly as can be and has been weaned off of hand formula, though now the challenge is teaching him how to break open and eat seeds on his own. I'm definitely already his favorite out of my mother and I, though I am always insisting she handles him so he doesn't become so attached to me. He's a sweetie pie though and I adore him very much. :)

I'm here because, well, I've had birds during my entire life, but for some reason IRNs have never worked well with us? When I was very young (about 7) my mother got us one from Petsmart and he died a month later due to unknown causes. In November of last year, my mother and I decided it was time for another bird after about 5-6 years without one, and though we loved our lovebirds and cockatiels and conures, we again went with an IRN named Ollie. He was doing great and was about 5 months old when we got him. However, he passed away this past March again for unknown reasons. He had been acting fine until one morning, he couldn't stand or walk and just died. I was devastated because I had spent months putting research into these birds before we got him - what they can/can't eat, harmful chemicals/aromas, where they should be placed, cage size, etc. And so my brother got me Henry and we've been together for only 22 day and he's already wormed his little blue way into my heart. I am here in hopes that more first hand experiences can teach me what I need to know more than books and websites and blogs. I've been around birds my entire life, but there's always something new to learn and I feel as though I need all the advice I can get with these buggers.
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Re: I'd like to introduce Henry! (And myself!)

Post by ellieelectrons »

Hi Liz

Welcome to the family.

I hope Henry will live a long & healthy life. Perhaps you should consider a wellness check with an avian vet? Also, do you use non stick cookware? It can be toxic.

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Re: I'd like to introduce Henry! (And myself!)

Post by BlueberryRingneck »

Hello Ellie! In my house we do not use nonstick cookware (and hadn't when we had Ollie as well). We took Henry to our Avian vet a few days after we got him and she said he is healthy, although a bit thin because he was in the weaning stages. He's over the weaning now though and has been moved completely onto solids. : >
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Location: Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

Re: I'd like to introduce Henry! (And myself!)

Post by ellieelectrons »

Sounds like you are doing all of the right things. Maybe you were just unlucky with your other two? We take ours for wellness checks once a year. our avian vet insists on a yearly psittacosis test.

Best wishes.

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Joined: Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:06 am

Re: I'd like to introduce Henry! (And myself!)

Post by Charliee »

Welcome! I wish i had baby chicks :(
.Welcome To The Forum.
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