My Charlie is obsessed with me! Too much

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My Charlie is obsessed with me! Too much

Post by merypink »

Hi, great to find a place all about IRN! We've had Charlie for over 3 years now, he had two owners before us so is about 6 or 7 years old. He doesn't talk but I think he chooses not too! Hes very smart and very affectionate, he obviously loves us very much. I had a baby 5 months ago and we have worked hard to integrate him with her. I don't think hes jealous of her, but the last month he has become incredibly demanding. I think the problem is that I'm home all the time and he expects to be out of his cage and with me all the time. He screeches if I go upstairs without him, if I go outside he'll screech the whole time I'm out there and if I've been out somewhere hes screeching at me to be let out before i've even got in the door! I've tried covering him up everytime he screeches but now he just continues even with the cover on. So I started putting him outside but he will just keep calling out over and over until it just about does my head in. He also llikes to refuse to come with me when I try to take him, then waits till I get upstairs and starts screeching to be picked up! I'm really really over it. I need him to be more patient as he can't always be with me when i'm busy with the baby, he needs to know hes not the first priority. Any suggestions?
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Re: My Charlie is obsessed with me! Too much

Post by Carley »

Hi, im new to ringnecks so i'm probley not going to be much of a help, im thinking Charlie needs more things to entertain him while u are busy, try making some toys for him even use unwanted baby toys that u feel are appropriate, set aside a time each day when baby is asleep or something or when your cooking to have him out of the cage with you, don't get mad at him for the screaming from what i have read that just makes it worse, im sure there is some training you can do with him to stop the screaming, there's probley something on this forum that could help. It must be hard for a bird to understand u have other important priorities when he was no 1 before, so i think u need to try set aside the frustration and try and understand how he is feeling, to him the baby is just taking his place, and that would be so hard for him. I completely understand that u dont have alot of time with a new baby, i have 3 kids myself and know how demanding they are. Sry if this answer isn't helpful but i'm new to having a parrot myself, but i hope something i have said will help u. Don't give up it gets easier, bubs will get older and less demanding (maybe :P ) you just need to do what ever u can to show him u still love him, get him out when your watching tv or in the kitchen cooking, and as for the screaming i suggest a google search if you dont get some tips here. O and congrats on bubs. Wishing u well
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Joined: Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:37 pm

Re: My Charlie is obsessed with me! Too much

Post by merypink »

Thanks for your suggestions - I think he probably does see me as his mate which is why he screams whenever I leave the room. I don't think hes that jealous of the baby - hes been known to give her an affectionate 'nibble' every now and then, and he doesn't scream at her. A good idea to rearrange his cage weekly - we've found with new toys though that he just ignores them, he doesn't really play with any toys he'd rather be with us! Will be a challenge with the screaming though - I've tried ignoring it but he just goes on and on! Hes a stubborn little bugger! I'll try 'throwing a party' when he makes noise we do like!
Thanks for your help! Excellent to have a forum where we can discuss these wonderful little family members and all their quirks!
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