Greetings from Portland NSW Australia

Let us know a little about yourself! Tell us about your birds and why you are here.

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Greetings from Portland NSW Australia

Post by thatjellyfish »

Hey all. New to the forum and IRN owner. I got my Rayn(pronounced rain) last week. He\she is four months old. He has been hand fed by the pet store. He still don't like to be touched but can go On to my shoulder with a little bit of corresion of food. But Once he is on he is happy to stay playin with my hair, ears and shirt. Also decided to try to still the metal skewer that I use to train. He gets a few hours out of the cage daily. He can't stay out as I have a cat. I am going to male him or her a play stand on wheels when I have a full day off. And since I got plenty of scrap and trees around my property I won't have to buy anything.

I have a question. TrAining birds. Is it like training a dog where you get them to sit first than say sit and give them a treat. Or do you get them to step up first than say and treat ??

I will upload a pic when I get home as I am using my iPhone.

Big Al & Rayn
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Re: Greetings from Portland NSW Australia

Post by thatjellyfish »

Me again. Rayn i a funny little bird. He always wants out of his cage but he cant because of my cat. My cat is somewhat use to birds in the cage due to my other cockatiels till they pasted away last month. But Rayn isnt that much bothered by the cat which is good. lol. I will bebuilding a play stand, thinking of branches from the fallen tree on my property on a table with wheels. Be adding a swing, a mirror, and some old keys on a chain i have laying around. Ok well, i can not add a pic cause when i do i get a message saying "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached." So i will use the url option


Please esxuse the untidyness of myself.

Big Al & Rayn
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Re: Greetings from Portland NSW Australia

Post by pinkdevil »

Hi Allen.

Love the name you have given and looks very sweet little birdie. Reminds me of one of my Lutinos.

If you have a look in the training section of the forum, you may find a few helpful tips to get you started.

I train my birds (to step up for example) by placing my fingers slightly higher than the perch and gently touch their body with my fingers while at the same time asking to 'step up' and also have the treat just out of reach so they need to step up onto me to reach it. (does that make sense? lol). When they do step up, I praise them and reward with food.

The home made play stand sounds like Rayn will get a lot of enjoyment out of it. :)
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Re: Greetings from Portland NSW Australia

Post by thatjellyfish »

Thank you pinkdevil. I understood what you meant. Right now he doe not like to be touched or have fingers very close to him. He comes on my shoulder pretty much freely. As well as a play stand, i have a couple old shirts im gonna "PIMP" out for Rayn, such as more buttons here and there, some keys and such.. he enjoys playing with my shirt and hair and suck on the ear, which tickles me like nothing.


Big Al & Rayn
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Re: Greetings from Portland NSW Australia

Post by pinkdevil »

At least he is accepting contact with you, that is a good start.
Maybe try and bribe him to with food to hop on your arm then since he is ok about the shoulder. Then slowly work your way down to accepting your hand and fingers.
They seem to cotton on pretty quick when there is food involved. :lol:

And I see you are only 2 hours or less drive away from me.......howdy neighbour. :wink:
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Re: Greetings from Portland NSW Australia

Post by thatjellyfish »

yes he is accepting me, lol. He is ok with arms and shoulder, evan down my front. Slowly will get there though. where bouts you at?
Big Al & Rayn
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Re: Greetings from Portland NSW Australia

Post by pinkdevil »

thatjellyfish wrote:where bouts you at?
Look to your left then down. :lol: :P Cowra area. :)
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Re: Greetings from Portland NSW Australia

Post by thatjellyfish »

Cowra eh. Lol. Got a mate who just moved from there. Lol. Nice place that. Remember once was bored after close at work. And drove up there to see her and since I got there about 2am she took me to a look out and saw the fog that covered the whole place from above the fog. Was beautiful sight.
Big Al & Rayn
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