Need help taming my irn outside its cage

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Need help taming my irn outside its cage

Post by hawkwing »

I had this blue ringneck about 10months ago from a friend and it now settles in a cage that i brought for him.Well i coul feed him treats and food through the cage but when i tries to put my hand in and feed, he would run to the back of the cage and wont come forward to my hand. Also when bringing him out of the cage,he is afraid of my putting my hand in and bringing him out and will come out himself when he feels it is sercure. After he is out, he would get to the top of his cage and will be very aggressive like biting my hand when i tries to give him treats. Heres the main problem, after he finally step up of my hand, he would quickly run to my arm and started biting my hand and fingers when whenever he sees them(which his nails hurt my arm) and still not accept treats or others trying to touch him outside of his cage where he would try to bite hard if you get close.(still not accepting treats)

I hope like inside his cage he would be a lovely companion as outside which is like having different personality.
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Re: Need help taming my irn outside its cage

Post by purchristeekorn »

I had a similar problem with my IRN. I used a little bit of banana and told her "treat." I knew she wouldn't come near, so I put it a little on her perch when she was watching. I stepped away from the cage and she went to that part of her perch to investigate. She ate the banana and I tried again with her. Willingly she opened her mouth for the "treat." You can try little things to coax him little by little. Do you flinch when he goes near your hand because that could be the cause too. I use to flinch everytime I would think she was gonna bite and then that would scare her. Finally I let her "taste" my fingers and she was fine . She didn't bite down, just licked each one to see what they were. Now she has no problem with me holding her.
This video might also help

LOL, now if I can convince my bird that my toes are not toys.
~Christina and Liebchen ~
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Re: Need help taming my irn outside its cage

Post by ALcatraz »

can be an eye watering time ! is the bite going to be nibble, a nip, or a hanging on blood let.With my African Grey i was told ''if he bites DONT try and pull away.'' easier said than done ,he was [and still can be at times like a feathered Ferret ,]ive yet to test or experience the IRNs ,phsyching myself up ,it has to be done but im letting mine settle a while . :wink: Good luck,will look for progress reports and tips .
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Re: Need help taming my irn outside its cage

Post by hawkwing »

Thanks for the advice! i will try and retrain it with the clicker training method..hopes it work! and his bites are real bite that would bring blood out.
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Re: Need help taming my irn outside its cage

Post by ALcatraz »

must say,im no wimp,but real bites from any of the parrot family are not funny,and it is un nerving,its a bit of a catch 22 because then your nervousness tranfers to the bird.The first time my AG bit me ,he locked on and my immediate reaction was to get my hand away[well tried to,but that made him clampdown harder and pull back too :shock: he drew blood and has done several times since,and bites have been sore for a long time afterwards.I think that is main reason so many AGs and keets are rehomed,sometimes repeatedly. :(
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