Is he bluffing

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Is he bluffing

Post by chobi »

A few days ago it was my birthday and had some friends come over to my house. I got Chobi out of his cage and put him on his playpen he played around for a while and then suddenly when i said up-up for him to step up he lunged and bit hard.. i took no notice though and kept on holding him as you all said. From now on he is biting my mum and my friends as well as me occasionally. Is this a bluffing period or is Chobi just evil. Im sorry if i sound paranoid but am worried. Thankyou.
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Post by Mikaela »

He isnt bluffing. See, IRN's dont allow us to have company.

They dont like it and find it very rude on our part to allow a stranger in our house. Next time, cover half of his cage (top half) until he gets use to the company. Then, from his cage ask him to 'step up'. If he doesnt, leave him alone. He has a right to be uncomfortable and not want to play with YOUR friends.

My girls get nippy if this one certain guy comes over. He is REALLY big though. I think that is why.

They also are nippy when their brothers come back from their moms for a day or so. It is because their environment changed and they hate that. She dislikes everyone but me so when the 'ex' drops by to get her kids (very rare), Baby gets all ruffled.
~ Mikaela Sky

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