Picky eater

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Picky eater

Post by paandajean »

I swear I have the pickiest eater in the world!

Alastor loves fruit, obviously. But for veggies he only goes wild for sweet potatoes...he'll eat pepper every now and then and squash. Normally he'll just throw what he doesn't like on the ground without even trying it.

Does anyone have any suggestions or tips for the picky ones?
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Re: Picky eater

Post by Yvette »

Haha that's cute. I can just picture my guy doing just that!

Maybe try not giving him (steamed) sweet potato for a while... If my IRN decides he's got a sole diet of say, carrot and nothing else, i'll just not give it to him for a while. That way once he realises there's no carrot he can get a taste for the other veges without thinking he can get away with just eating carrots, and actually start to like other veges.
If your guys has decided he's not going to eat anything that's not sweet potato for a week, well, just keep offering other things and soon enough he'll eat the other veges. He may not like some veges (My guy doesn't like green capsicum or squash but that's fine if he eats other veges)

Perhaps give him something that's sweet potato coloured? Like carrots? Or yellow capsicum (peppers).. Or any other orange vege IRNs can eat...

Hope that helps!
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Re: Picky eater

Post by Skyes_crew »

I had a picky eater. I sat in front of him and ate every single veggie I wanted him to eat. IRN's are so food driven that it drives them crazy to not have what you're eating. Try one new thing a week. Eat it in front of him and share at the same time. Hope that helps :D
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