Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IRN

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Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IRN

Post by violet »

Hi there everyone =)

I have had Pakshi for 2 months now and love him very much. He has such attitude and I find it funny how he understands when I am cranky at him lol.

What I wanted to know was is there more to Pakshi then meets the eye.

He is between 4-5 months and I have noticed ever since I got him that he has multicoloured tail feathers.

They are a mix of dark green, a bluey green and yellow.

His wings are a very dark green and appear to have black markings on them. Under his wings he is a yellow colour.

I tried to take a pic of his tail but he was very fussy and wanted to focus more on attacking the camera rather than pose for it lol. It was impossibe to get a pic of under his wings.
pakshitail.jpeg (25.27 KiB) Viewed 5111 times
pakshiback.jpeg (28.1 KiB) Viewed 5111 times
pics arent the best as he is terrible at being still with a camera in his face =)

any help anyone can give I would greatly appreciate it. I would love to learn more about my fid.

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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by dog_glenn123 »

Hi there,

Your bird is just a normal green.

He is not greenviolet.

Thanks Glenn
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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by violet »

hi Glenn

thanks for responding so quick =)

is it normal for greens to have tail feathers like his? Or will they eventually go completely green as he ages?

thanks Vi
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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by dog_glenn123 »

Hi Vi,

No worries i was just responding to another one and saw your post.

He is identical to one of my males.

It will look like that every year, he will mult and as part of that the 2 feathers on his tail usually fall out first and then come back last.

All the other colours will also stay.

Thanks Glenn
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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by violet »

ok - i am glad the pretty colours in his tail will stay =)

will the black markings on his wings go with age as well? Sorry to ask so many questions -.-

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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by dog_glenn123 »

Yep they should go after his first mult.
Although that is the second one i have seen now with those marks on its wings
(green bird i mean)
They could just be stress bars being a young bird, they get removed from the nest then past from there new hand reared mum to the new buyer it can be just stressfull.
It will go if thats what it is.

And ask as many as you like its the only way we learn.

Ta Glenn
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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by violet »

thank you for being so helpful Glenn ^^

as far as i can tell the black markings are only a recent thing. As far as I can tell he is a happy bird - eats lots of fruit and vege's, forages for food, plays etc. If they are from stress, is there anything I can do to make them go away? Could it be a diet thing?

Also when do they go thru their first molt? I thought he was going thru one recently as he was quiet snappy and I seemed to find more downy feathers around. No tail feathers have fallen out and as fair as I can see there aren't any pin feathers coming thru on his head.

Thats true about questions,
There are no stupid questions ^^
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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by dog_glenn123 »

I dont know alot about the why or how stress bars come/go there are other that do and hopefully they read and explain to you.

Regarding the mult it depends on where you live, in Aus it happens after mating season which has just ended here,

He may have had one but the second one will have alot of feather loss.

Ta Glenn
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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by violet »

i live in south east QLD - and he started to get really narky after xmas. he is still bitey but he is a good boy and never bites me that hard ^^ hopefully wat he is going thru is his first molt ^^

thanks for all your help tonight =) perhaps others can shed more light

xx Vi
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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by dog_glenn123 »

Yep should have been and fetahers coming back.

Crazy weather up there could be confusing him,

My birds keep going to mate and then stop because of the up and down weather.

Good luck either way and hope the floods arent causing you any greif.
Stay safe.

Ta Glenn
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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by violet »

thanks for the advice - maybe it is the weather - it has been pretty horrid for a month now.

So far I am safe from major floods - although the little community i am in has been flooded in for few days now. Everything will right itself soon.

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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by Recio »


Could you post a pic of your bird from his front? It could be a very heavy turquoise (general blue bird with green head and wings)

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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by dog_glenn123 »

Recio wrote:Hi;

Could you post a pic of your bird from his front? It could be a very heavy turquoise (general blue bird with green head and wings)

I guess your judging it by the second photo?

I thought the same baut the first one doesnt look like it at all.

Ta Glenn
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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by violet »

Hi Recio,

Here are a few pics for you - i apologize for adding so many but I thought it best to take as many as I could whilst Pakshi was willing to co-operate =) These pics were taken on my iphone 4, which is only 5mp. Hope these help =)

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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by Recio »


Glenn is rigth; it is a beautifull green bird.

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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by madas »

Recio wrote:it is a beautifull green bird. Recio
Not for my eyes. A bird without flight feathers isn't a nice bird.
It's bad enough to jail them in cages or aviaries. But if jailing them
in cages or aviaries then you shouldn't cut off their flight feathers.
It's cruelty to animals.

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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by violet »

Ok well u can get off ur high horse. I bought pakshi from a handraiser 2 months ago and SHE clipped his wings! I am letting them grow back in as I don't like the fact that he hasn't any flight. So before u accuse people of animal cruelty, perhaps you should ask! I am deeply offended by your inaccurate comment. And he is not a cage bird! HE spends 75% of the day outside of his cage! Only going in to feed and eat! He also spends time outside with me! I love my bird very much and how dare u suggest otherwise. It's people like u that make forums a bad place.
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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by violet »

And thank you Recio - Pakshi is a beautiful bird ^^ I appreciate yours and Glenns help with answering my questions :-) it's good to know most people on here a nice and helpful.

Xx Vi
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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by madas »

violet wrote:Ok well u can get off ur high horse. I bought pakshi from a handraiser 2 months ago and SHE clipped his wings! I am letting them grow back in as I don't like the fact that he hasn't any flight. So before u accuse people of animal cruelty, perhaps you should ask! I am deeply offended by your inaccurate comment. And he is not a cage bird! HE spends 75% of the day outside of his cage! Only going in to feed and eat! He also spends time outside with me! I love my bird very much and how dare u suggest otherwise. It's people like u that make forums a bad place.
Have you read my post carefully? I didn't offend you directly. It was meant more generally.
So please calm down. I haven't attacked you.

But. If you don't like birds without flight feathers why did you by one?

Here in Europe and especially in germany it's not allowed to clip the wings and you can get punished if doing so.
So perhaps thats why a hate this fact. :)

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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by violet »

U did offend as u said u didn't think MY bird was beautiful cos of his wings. I bought him as I was told from the lady who handraised him that she took him to a vet and this was how the clipped his wings. I was not aware there are specific rules on how one should cut the wings. This is my first IRN. I have had budgies before and their wings were always clipped so they could not escape or harm themselves. After having pakshi for a month I noticed that in my opinion his wings had been clipped too short hence why I am endeavoring to grow his wings back. I will have his wings clipped to some degree as I live in a unit and some times have him outside and I love him enough to not want to lose him.

As far as I know there isn't a law or rule here in australia with regards to wings being clipped. Maybe you should protest? As far as I kno pakshi is a healthy an happy bird and is lucky to have me as an owner. To add to this I never said I didn't like birds with no flight
feathers. I had no idea they were even that short until I had him for a few weeks. Here I am trying to do the best I can by signing up to a forum to get the best info I can
On this breed of bird and instead I get treated like I am abusing my pet.

All I can say is I am glad I don't live in Germany :-) Altho I won't let my Oma hear me say that.
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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by madas »

violet wrote:Here I am trying to do the best I can by signing up to a forum to get the best info I can On this breed of bird and instead I get treated like I am abusing my pet.
Yes and that's what i told you. The best info on this fact is: Don't clipp the wings.
violet wrote:I have had budgies before and their wings were always clipped so they could not escape or harm themselves. After having pakshi for a month I noticed that in my opinion his wings had been clipped too short hence why I am endeavoring to grow his wings back. I will have his wings clipped to some degree as I live in a unit and some times have him outside and I love him enough to not want to lose him.
Sorry but this is the most stupid justification for clipping wings. If a bird escapes then the owner is the cause. Not the bird.
If you have a cat which could escape as well would you trim or cut its legs as well to prevent it?

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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by Recio »

Hi Violet;

If you look at previous posts of Madas and/or to his webpage you should notice that he has a great knowledge of IRN, that he has been helping breeders with his posts and that he has always been correct with the others. He has explained you that his comments were directed against people clipping wings, not against you. Your comments about Germany are out of place here. Deutchland ist eine wunder land.


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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by madas »

Recio wrote:Hi Violet;

If you look at previous posts of Madas and/or to his webpage you should notice that he has a great knowledge of IRN, that he has been helping breeders with his posts and that he has always been correct with the others. He has explained you that his comments were directed against people clipping wings, not against you. Your comments about Germany are out of place here. Deutchland ist eine wunder land.



thx (Dankeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee).
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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by dog_glenn123 »

Hey guys,

From the outside looking in you are all patinate about birds!!

And Madas i do like the comment on the cat!!! Made me giigle!!.

Not that i would like to see its legs cut off!!

Ta Glenn
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Re: Pakshi pretty tail feathers - is he more than a Green IR

Post by Donna »

Wing clipping has always been a big issue on these boards. Do it if you want to, dont if you dont want to :roll: Its a known fact that smaller birds can still fly a good distance with clipped wings,just ask some members who have lost their wing clipped birds never to see them again. I don't think u should be judged by someone here if you choose to clip. It does not bring any pain on them if done properly so how is it cruel? Only you know the enviorment that your birds are in so if it's safer for them to be clipped it's up to you. Donna
In Loving Memory
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