Caravan Trip, Please Help ..

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Caravan Trip, Please Help ..

Post by mustii »

Hello there ..

Basically, I am going on a caravan trip with my girlfriend and her brother and his wife in December, for around 10 days ..

I live in UK, so we going to Europe , through 2-3 countries .. So , I want to know can I take my IRN With me ? .. Hes 5-6 month old now by then 7-8 ... I will have my sister home when i leave, but hes in my room, so hes most attached to me, hes not tame yet, I have had him for about 5 weeks now, and he just started to take food through the cage bars from my hand..

I really will miss him if I leave him here, and I think he will miss me too , I know my sister and probably mum will be here and they can look after him .. but I want to know would it be okay if I take him with me ? I will take him in his cage and put him in the caravan ?..
Im thinking about the weather and if he will get too cold, or something like that, or if he will get freaked out of the caravan always moving ? ..

please do let me know .. if it will be a good idea to take him with me ? and if any of you have done a similiar trip and taken your bird with you ..

thanks ..

- Mustii xx
U.S Marine
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Re: Caravan Trip, Please Help ..

Post by U.S Marine »

Hii its best to keep him home. he will feel calm and look calmer. if he stays home he will get more used to his environmet. just have your mother or sister put treats through the cage. trust me someone could steal him. inside the car will become tight and humid. No Moderator here took part on this message !? Its like animal abuse if u cramhim in the car. have fun,drive safe keep him home.
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