cats :(

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cats :(

Post by ian1 »

I hate cats, so I'd like a balancing view from any owners of both birds and cats.

I have a couple of cats that hang about my yard; I think they stare through the glass doors at the birds during the day too. They pretty much prevent me from putting the birds out unattended (ie with me 10feet away doing other stuff). I'm sure you know a nick from a cats claw/saliva can kill a bird.

Can I do anything to keep the cats out? Should I expect to be able to confront their owner and tell them to keep the cats out; is this even realistic? Seems odd to me that I should be denied putting my birds out because of someone elses cat. Rules are pretty strong here, if I complain the cat would probably go to the glue factory.

(Sorry to cat lovers, I'm not looking for a flame)
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Post by bec »

i have both cats & birds & while i know the importance of keeping cats away from the birds the cats have their place in the world too
a few simple things that will keep both the cats away from your birds is lemon peel just grate it & spread it round your garden (cats hate the smeel ) and water pistols just if the cats get too closes shoot them with the water pistol
when you say put the birds out do you mean iun the cage outside or loose inside the house?
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Post by julie »

cat trap from your local council :wink: people with cats should keep them in their own yards and not let them wander around harassing other people.
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Post by Fah »

Yup, cat traps were the only way for me. The neighbourhood cats were more than willing to bypass anything I tried to keep them away (citrus, chemical etc).

In two weeks we caught 7 cats... only 1 had visible ID (cant dispose of ID'd cats) and only one owner bothered to look for their one out of the 6 we caught... goes to show how much people actually care about their cats.

I love cats, but I love them in a responsible environment (ie... not roaming around the neighbourhood).

Sadly cats are near pest status in many parts of Australia... its been three months since catching those 6 stray/lesser cared for cats, and im about to do another run with the cages... only took 3 months for people to buy more / have them move into the area / breed up to an annoying level again.

Might sound harsh, but when you have cats roaming around, sitting outside aviaries, or prowling around the roof of the aviary or sticking claws into the cage for fun... its suddenly above and beyond the need to 'play nice'.

We have owned several cats... all indoor cats with their own cat runs out in the yard... we have had some of the most loving and happy cats anyone coud ask for... I think alot of people buy cats cos they think they are a low maintenance pet that entertains itself out in the wild... delusions are rife in the pet world.
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Post by bec »

here here fah!!!
i love my cats & wouldnt part with any of them but they are indoor cats & even when they were going outside they were in before dusk none of my cats miss being outdoors and a quite happy lounging round the house (in a seperate area from the birds) it doesnt take much effort to keep your cats safe & prevent them from harming wildlife
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Post by Fah »

Not to mention protecting the silly buggers from themselves lol... they get up to all sorts of mischief with other cats and the vet bills of roaming cat owners can get quite expensive (if they care enough to fix the wound etc) heh

Really, try some methods that work for others, like anti-cat chemical sprays / citrus deterrants... but it doesnt work for everyone... catching the naughty things is a sure fire way of stopping the issue (even if they are microchipped and returned to owner.. the owner has to pay a fine, and they wont want to be doing that over and over).
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Post by TD »

Hey Ian,

Get a dog if you have the yard for it. It's the reason why i have never had any trouble with cats! I have a big ferocious labrador and a vicious killer pug :lol:
Last edited by TD on Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lewi111 »

No cats at my place----I have 4 german Shepherds :wink: Not a cat in sight.
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Post by bec »

lewi111 wrote:No cats at my place----I have 4 german Shepherds :wink: Not a cat in sight.
thats odd our german shepard (long gone now :cry: ) used to steal kittens & try to convince them they were puppies :lol:
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Post by ian1 »

Hmm I thought cats were the problem.....seems the local romeo has a new juliet


then it was like The Birds


Most of you won't understand this, but after seeing this go on for 3 hrs (bearing in mind this is the first time she's been outside) I opened the cage...

Anyone who's followed previous posts...milky is feral...not untame - she is way beyond that.

She was becoming hugely vicious to the other bird and I had to lock her up which, in her case, was like a slow death.

It was very very clear when the locals crowded around, based on her reaction, that she was a trapped bird.

I opened the cage and her and her Romeo spent an hour eating the yellow flowers in the background. The flock (12ish) seem to live about 100yards away (I live i what is effectively an Oasis). 8 hours later they were all sitting in the front yard, obviously I have a myriad of telephoto shots bit it gets samey. She seems to be number 2 at the minute.

It's a horrible thing to do but when I made the decision it was objective....join the flock, or live in a cage beacuse of a human requirement.

It's been one of those long hollow days. Everyone who knows the circumstances congratulated me on being so selfless, Milky is sitting in the garden eating the flowers but me and Oodie are coming to terms with a suprisingly big gap.
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Re: cats :(

Post by cheshirecat79 »

What I did for mine was I dug some holes in the backyard- about 5 foot deep. I cut down some palmetto brush and covered the holes over. The cats fell in, they then jumped out. They don't come around anymore and I let the bird play in the yard unattended for hours at a time.

He comes in now and then to get a glass of water but he seems happy. One time he flew away but he came back when I whistled for him. We have an understanding.
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