Weekly diet schedule

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Weekly diet schedule

Post by prakashmenon »


I am proud owner of a 3 mth old ringneck, parry. I just bought it last month from a local birds market. Parry has been used to eating sunflower seeds, but we have started feeding him veggies and fruits. Parry is adopting to these changes. We have given him apple in fruits and in veggies lettuce. He eats apple fine, but lettuce he doesnt eat much. He likes seeds, which i want to avoid giving him. Can you suggest me a weekly diet schedule like how many days we can give fruits, veggies and how many days for seeds. Currently i m having like alternate days for seeds and fruits.
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Post by bec »

this is a good link for you to read
http://www.indianringneck.com/board/vie ... php?t=3063
hope this helps
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Help not eating veggies(leaves)

Post by prakashmenon »


I tried giving parry some leaves like spinach and lettuce. But he is not at all interested in eating those. He just throws them down. On the otherside he likes to eat apple and sunflower seeds. Please help me on other diet options
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Post by Janet »

My birds love corn, grapes, apple, pomegranates, peas, figs, broccoli, cherries, kiwifruit, pasta, cooked rice, dried pear, dried cranberries, dragonfruit, peanuts, millet, toast, nectarines, peaches, puffed corn, Cheerios, among other things. They don't like spinach, bananas, oranges, strawberries and apricots. Don't feed them avocado, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate or salt. These things are toxic for birds or really bad for their health.
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Post by julie »

Mine get seeds and fruit n veg. If you don't want to feed seeds you can try to convert him to pellets. I don't have a schedule of what they get on certain days, tonight we had roast so they got baked veggies, yesterday they got corn on the cob.
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Post by LAAnnie »

Lettuce just gives them diarhea, if fed too much. Spinach, mustard greens, broccoli leaves are better and have vitamin A.

Yellow or orange veggies, like pumpkin, mango, papaya, yams, sweet potato -- all great source of vit. A. Bananas have lots of potassium but my bird will only eat the peel, not the fruit!

Broccoli is good -- florets, stems or leaves. Raw or steamed.

Corn on the cob (raw) -- a favorite. Cereal with no sugar, also good -- like Cheerios or plain cornflakes. Granola also good.

Pasta and cooked rice -- good to ensure nice firm droppings. Almonds (raw, not salted) are a favorite, I give 3 or 4 per day, that's all.
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Post by Melika »

I think you might try, instead of alternate days, feeding one type of food in the morning and one at night. For instance, I would probably try feeding all my fresh foods in the morning with seeds in that dish (a little less then he will eat). Then in the evening offering his seed dish to him.

You can gradually decrease the amount of seed he gets in the morning as he tries and likes new veggies and fruits.

I like to avoid processed foods (aside from their pellets) in general. I just don't feel that they are healthy and I'm careful about giving them too much grain. Remember that corn is a grain, not a veggie.

Perhaps these links may help as well.



http://www.parrotsociety.org.au/article ... quirements



I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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Re: Weekly diet schedule

Post by linda888 »

It is a great post.
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