skeets home i need some advice

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skeets home i need some advice

Post by bec »

well we brought skeet home last night because she was fretting when i left her so we set her up in on of the bigger cages we have as the
outside avairy will be set up by the time the smoke clears enough for the others come home
at my friends house when i got skeet out of her cage she would cling on to me (literaly)
she would climb on to my shoulder & while nibbling on my ear she would grab a claw full of my hair
but since i got her home shes acting unusual
shes refusing to leave her cage shes quite happy for me to pat her , feed heer play with her, she climbs all over the rope coils & other toys
she will happily step up but the minute i try to bring her to the door she freaks & flys back in
maybe im over stressing & shes acting like this coz she really likes her new cage but i think shes just scared that if i take her out of the cage it means we are leaving again & then ill go away again
anyone got any ideads how to make her trust me to bring her out of the cage again without forcing her?coz im realy missing my birdy hugs
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Bird freak out

Post by Janet »

Sounds like she just wants to feel secure. She has been through quite a lot and the smell of smoke would make her feel uncomfortable. Most birds feel safe in their cage so I would give her the opportunity to come out if she wants but let her stay in there if she needs. Chat with her, handle her and let her see you around but let her do it from the safety of her cage home.
Posts: 1401
Joined: Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:51 pm
Location: boronia

Post by bec »

thanks janet it took your advice & i think it worked skeet is out of her cage for the first time today & at the momment is torn between running over the keyboars (so please excuse any bizarre spelling mistake) & trying to crack open my finger nails
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
it soooooooooooo good to have my cheeky bub back
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