wrath of the floor monster

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wrath of the floor monster

Post by chobah »

My girl Hasselhoff is at the start of a moult, and as result she has turned into a little green menace. She has conducted many guerrilla warfare style attacks on my feet, usually staged from under my coffee table, and has been having little birdy temper tantrums. She throws her food on the floor, especially if I go and play with one of the other birds (especially the new baby Toki)She won't let me get the pins on her face, even though it is obviouse that they are making her miserable. I don't want to towel her to get access to the pins, as that is usually reserved for my last resort because she freakin hates it. She has been getting extra shower time to see if that would help, but alas, my cuddle bug is still a mini hulk with a bad attitude lol. so I suppose my question would be if anyone could give me any advise as to either calm her case of the crankies, or maybe get to the root of the problem and help her shed those feather sheaths a little quicker without scaring her with restraint. I have already tried distraction with toys and snacks but it never lasts long enough to get those pins without my fingers getting a good hard pinch, and since I am rather attached to them I would rather not keep getting bitten. The stalking seems kinda like a game for her, maybe she is playing I don't really know.
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Post by bec »

chobah said
She has conducted many guerrilla warfare style attacks on my feet, usually staged from under my coffee table,

im sorry but when i read this i just had to giggle alittle
i think somebody mentioned showers in another post not sure which one tho
best of luck with your little green menace :lol:
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Get that Gun

Post by Rolly »

And shoot her whenever she's up to her guerilla tactics of nipping
your feet.
Water guns are cheap anyway and a squirt won't harm your fid...
but will tell her you don't like her guerilla ambushes anymore.
Use a training stick once more if your hands are nipped.
This is just a phase in your IRN's life and will soon fade away.
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Post by Bella »

A firm no and a finger point always stops billy he knows it means hes been bad i personally wouldnt try the watergun or any water as punishment as what happens if you want to give your fid a spray bath they make be scared and confused
Mum to Harvey(little boy) Satan RIP, Missy moos(Staffy bull) Billy(green irn) Sir didymus(grey irn) and Isis(cockatiel), Lucy (caique)
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sounds familiar

Post by Lila_ »

Hmm...that sounds REALLY familiar. yeah dodo hates it too when i try to scratch her pin feathers. she went through her first moult earlier this year and she was pretty grumpy.

i found a good trick is to tire her out with playing or something, let her sit on your knee or hand and while shes so dozey start to scratch her head. they are normally more tolerant when tired and you should be able to gently scratch the pins.
it took me a while, but thats how i got dodo's pin feathers without sustaining too many injuries. she hates having her head scratched, unlike my cockatiel who walks up to me and puts her head down demanding to be groomed. wow did dodo look sleek and beautful when all her new feathers were grown.

good luck!
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