Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

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Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by TimVioletIRN »

Hi all!

I'm new to the world of IRN's. I just got my friend over the weekend. We've been getting acclimated to each other. It's been great! I've been introducing him to new fruits and vegetables. He's about 7 months old and he's light purple. He's a sweetheart most of the time. The people that I adopted him from have a Jenday conure and unfortunately, the first thing he learned from the conure is the signature conure screech. I'm doing my best to ignore it. I have him on a pellet diet and I give him fruits and veggies in the morning and the evening and I am going to start rotating seed every few days in sub for the pellets.

I look forward to chatting with you all.

Here's a photo of my little guy
Here's a photo of my little guy
00707_hiaLQBbPJa0_600x450.jpg (11.83 KiB) Viewed 3392 times
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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by pattiB »

He's beautiful. I love the violet color!
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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by TimVioletIRN »

Thanks! That was what got me hooked. I was already considering an IRN but when I saw his color, I knew he had to come home with me (of course, that wasn't the only reason).
How many IRNs do you have? I only have the one. I had a lesser sulfur crested cockatoo but we recently passed away. I didn't do a necropsy, so I don't know what happened but he didn't show any signs. He was 19.
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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by Dixie-1 »

Welcome Tim that is a beautiful color. I know what you mean about the "Conure Screech" we were once given a Sun Conure, well needless to say we soon found out why our nieghbor gave away such a beautiful little bird ! :roll:
Just takin a break !

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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by TimVioletIRN »

Dixie-1 wrote:Welcome Tim that is a beautiful color. I know what you mean about the "Conure Screech" we were once given a Sun Conure, well needless to say we soon found out why our nieghbor gave away such a beautiful little bird ! :roll:

Your little baby is an awesome color too!
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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by InTheAir »

What a pretty bird!
Our Nila loves those balls too.
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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by TimVioletIRN »

lately when I bring the ball around he gets aggressive and puffs up and runs toward it with his mouth open. Not sure why. He also sometimes when he's on his sleepy perch, his eyes with pin and dilate and pin and dilate and he bends his head down and fluffs up and sometimes squawks at me. Not sure yet what that means, but it seems like mating behavior to me, but I'm not well versed in that area. They told me he's only 7 months, but it does make me wonder. He doesn't bite, even when he doesn't want to be picked up, but sometimes on certain places in his cage he will snap at me if I'm trying to cover him or open the top of his cage. That must be territorial.
Do you guys have similar experiences?
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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by rayhan »

hey can i ask are you experienced
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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by TimVioletIRN »

This isn't my first bird. I'm not experienced with IRNs. I had a lesser sulfur crested cockatoo for many years, but he recently passed away. :*(. I have common knowledge with birds but don't know the specific ringneck behavior. I've only had this little guy for a week now.
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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by Skyes_crew »

You have a pretty bird :D my birds love to play with those balls too. Can I ask if your bird was DNA sexed? That specific behavior of being territorial is usually a female behavior. I have seen males attack their toys occasionally, but they don't lunge at people normally. Anyway, of you've had a cockatoo, then you can get through just about any stubborn bird on the planet lol. Just take the time to read as much as you can about the individual uniqueness that is the ringneck and you'll do just fine :D
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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by Little Buttercup »

Hi and welcome Tim, Lovely bird you have there.

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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by TimVioletIRN »

Thanks guys!

No, I haven't had him/her DNA tested, but I have been thinking over the past few days that based on the behavior that he/she may be female. She lunges at her ball and will run across the cage to attack it and defends his/her sleeping perch. She tries to get me when I open the top of the cage. I've been thinking more and more that it's probably female. The couple that I bought from said they originally bought the bird for themselves and the wife wasn't happy when the bird bonded with the husband, but I had a feeling there was more to it. The bird was probably bluffing and territorial with them and they didn't like it. They told me he's about 7 months, but I don't really have anyway to check. The vet said he looked really good and i'm waiting on the polyoma and other tests to come back.
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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by shonnaboyd »

My male also bluffs and runs after toys "he thinks are his " but they are really the kids'
he also lunges at parts of his cage, but if hes out hes super sweet for 1-2 hours then starts t get over stimulated and "fussy"
If you cant DNA him/her just wait it out:) MY little guy just turned 21 months and got his ring in the last couple months :) between 18-20
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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by AlphaWolf »

OMG, your violet IRN is soooooo beautiful and cute. Quick question: Do 8 month old IRN already pass their bluffing phase, or can it occur after 8 months???
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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by Ringneckpatrick »

Just parroting what others have said. :wink:
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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by TimVioletIRN »

I'm not sure about the bluffing thing. I think he/she may actually still be doing it. Sometimes she will bite me when I got to pick her up and sometimes she won't. If she's playing with her toys on my table that she's aggressive with she will bite. She hasn't actually broken the skin with her bites though. I hope she won't. If she looks like she will bite and I want to pick her up then I use one of her perches to get her to step up on. She doesn't bite when she's being handled, but only if she's on her cage or playstand or the floor playing with or protecting her toys.
Also, her vocalization is really loud. I have heard a few recordings and they didn't seem as loud as the noises she makes. I adopted her from a couple with a jenday conure and I think she picked up the loud conure call from their bird. She doesn't show any signs of stopping it, so I'm just trying to ignore it.
When my partner goes to pet her, she will bend her head down and make those little clicking noises and tilt her head back while he pets her. It's cute, but that's part of what makes me think I have a female, but the other confusing part is that she runs from us when we go to pick her up, but not too much, just a little and then she steps up but she runs from strangers and squawks.
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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by Doodlebug »

Hi Tim, welcome to you and your gorgeous fid :)

I've never heard the conure call, is it worse/louder than IRNs?? Mine is very good (so far lol) and doesn't screech a lot compared to others I've heard about, but I guess a screech is a screech whatever bird you have!

Loo :)
Loo :)
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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by Skyes_crew »

Oh wouldn't say that if you've heard a conure screech lol. It has to be one of the most annoying bird calls on the planet. I live with it every day. And yes, one of my IRN's picked up her screech. Drives me crazy. One is bad enough, but now I have two screaming at me :D
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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by InTheAir »

Lol @ skyes crew. I would rather be in a room with 50 screaming ringnecks than one sun conure!

Tim: if you don't respond to that noise at all there is a pretty good chance your bird will eventually remove it from its vocabulary. Mind you, our bird still sometimes barks like the chihuahua that lived next door over 6 months ago, so I'm not qualified to advise on this issue :wink:
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Re: Intro: Violet IRN companion in San Diego

Post by TimVioletIRN »

Haha thanks everyone! I do my best to ignore all her screeches, but for the most part now she's just sticking with one particular one and it's pretty loud but I don't think it's conure loud. I'm guessing it must be her natural squawk.

She has been biting me more today than usual. She broke the skin once. That was happening this morning. I must be doing something wrong. I over analyze everything I do. I do make her step up when she probably doesn't want to though and that could be it. I guess I should probably just let her have more space and pick her up when she wants to be picked up but usually when I go over to her cage, she'll run away from me, not furiously like she's afraid but just run over to the other side of the cage and stop. When she wants to be picked up she'll usually come to the edge of her cage door at the bottom or at the top and just stand there. Today while I was changing her food and the bottom of her cage after she just woke up, she sat on her door the whole time waiting for me to come back and bring her food etc and then I reached for her after I did that and that's when she bit me. And then later I reached for her in her cage and she bit me. She gets territorial around her cage, so the last couple of days I've sometimes used a stick perch to get her out of the cage with because she wants to bite me.

Any advice? Can any of you all make any determinations about anything I may be doing wrong by reading this?
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