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Location: Islamorada Key, Florida U.S.A.


Post by Mikaela »

As most of you know, there are alot of us that live in Florida. Well, Wilma brought a cold front in. It is only like 75 degrees today and everyone is in jackets. Those of us who even own jackets, anyway.

So, I turned the heat on lastnight for Chief and the girls. Melika mentioned that her birds always looked like pissed off, puffed up fur balls if the weather changes. I dashed down the hall this morning and sure enough :lol: I had three pissed off, puffed up fur balls staring at me like "Hope you were toasty lastnight Ma."

I had the heat on 78 (Im cold natured too, family always complains. Actually, Im not, I just like my man walking around sweaty and naked :D ). Ack, side-tracked. What was I talking about? Oh, yeah... birds uhm yeah, they were pissed.

I took them all out and their little feet were cold. :cry:

I held each of them to take the chill off and they were no worse for the wear. I dont think they were particularly cold, per se. I just think they were chillier than usual and were pissed about it.

I forgot to take a pic because I was too busy babying them as if they had slept out in 20 degree weather. I suppose when they make their feathers puff up like that it acts as a blanket :?:

For those of you that live in colder areas, are your babies puff balls in the morning?
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by DarinA »

I live in Ohio and it has been getting down to the mid 30s at night lately. Our furnace is set at 70 but I give Jade his own oil radiator heater during the night. In the morning he is always up in the front corner almost upside down and all puffed out. As soon as he sees I am up he goes down to his favorite perch but sits there puffed up until I leave for work. Everyone else gets up about an hour later so I will have to ask if he is still that way.
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Location: Islamorada Key, Florida U.S.A.

Post by Mikaela »

It was Sooooo cute.

Never seen my babies chilly. The looked like little gremlins.

I went today and bought three of those little cozy caddys. I know, they will never use them. :roll:

But it makes my heart content knowing it is in there if they wanted or needed to.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by DarinA »

Let me know if they like their cozy corner. We have looked at them, cozy sacks, snuggle huts, and bird bunkers. It gets down below zero here in the winter at times. I have a nice magazine with everything in it, Doctors Foster & Smith. You can look it up at
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Location: Islamorada Key, Florida U.S.A.

Post by Mikaela »

I sure will. I hope they like it, they are made of fleece and look ooooo so cozy!

You ever shop for toys on E-bay? I find good prices on alot of stuff but by the time you calculate shipping you pay far more than if you would at Petsmart.

Maybe one day I will run across someone with alot of toys for a particualr price but I havent been that lucky. If you spend 2.99 on a 10 dollar toy, that is great but then you pay shipping and have to wait. Might as well just go buy it.

If any of you know a good ebay store that makes it worth it to buy/ship please turn me on to it. Thanks ya'll
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Jade »

I spent $30 on a 'happy hut' for my birds. They all just crap all over it and never go inside. :twisted:
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Post by Melika »

LOL! Aren't they funny in the mornings? Our house is so COLD right now, considering our normal temps. Not quite cold enough for my only jacket though (used in SNOW in New Jersey, LOL).

It's an old home so no insulation. *brrrrrr* At least we have central heat upstairs... which isn't where the comp is of course. ^_^
I've been called 'birdbrained' before, but somehow I don't think this is what they meant. say:hah-nay
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Location: Islamorada Key, Florida U.S.A.

Post by Mikaela »

Sorry to report, only 1 of my three babies used their cozy caddy... the spoiled brat, Baby.

Chief choses to sleep in his water bowl so he doesnt have to move around to get near it to poop in it. :roll:

Peek-a-Boo is afraid of her own presence so she tought it as something I hung up there that will sneek up and kill her in the night so she slept with one eye open... literally.

Baby was kicked back in that thing like 'Hey Ma, we having peaches or apricot for a snack this morning... get to it, all this warmth has made me a tad hungry." My husband said I should have named her princess because of her arrogent behavior.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by Dani03 »

LOL I didn't even want to try those happy huts for Prinny. I know she wouldn't use it. You are right Mikaela, Baby should have been named Princess. There is a very good reason Prinny is named just that.
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