how do a get smurf back in his cage safely

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how do a get smurf back in his cage safely

Post by maloney »

hi just lookin for a bit of advise smurf has started coming out his cage which is great progress
but how can a get him to go back in safely.a have to catch him with a towel and he has broke one of his feathers a dont no what to do ?

thanks toni :D
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Re: how do a get smurf back in his cage safely

Post by bec »

i think this is one of the most posted questions on the site
we have had some issues with this
but each different bird has a different solution :-
wigh riku all i have to do to get him back in his cage is put new food in (LIttle piggy cant resist a newly filled feed bowl :lol: )
for skeet i have to chase her all over the house till i catch her (but just in my hands no towel required)
& pickle & kirara just stay in there cages like its a saftey zone
when i open the door of either of their cages they look at me like
"what...... you want me to go out there? :shock:
NOOOOO shut the door shut the door youll let the scary things in!!!!!!"
untill i shut their door then they relax
so i figure im not forcing either on out of their homes
my big suggestion with this is try something that your fid just cant resist
(for all these guys popcorn works the best they love it & it means im not using somthing from their every day diet ) & only put that in his cage when you want him to go to bed
he will learn quickly if you say bed time then put it in that going to his cage means yummy a special yummy treat
read some of the other posts a lot of us have had this problem
i think its because irns are intelligent birds so like children they test the boundaries
alot good luck & keep us posted
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