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Big molt and now I think plucking?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 4:19 pm
by MarcnRingo
Hi all,

‘Ringo’ Went through a very heavy molt a few months ago and now it seems he is plucking. At least I think that is what it is but I don’t really see him actually do it. Ringo is almost 4 years old, he is a very happy bird, has a good size cage which he is always happy to go to. He also has a swing in our lounge room and perch and ropes in the kitchen. He comes out in the morning and sits with us for breakfast and then I make his food for the day (fresh fruit and veg, seed) and he we have a bit of a pat and a chat (he loves to talk) and then he goes in the cage for the day.

First one home let’s him out of the cage which is usually around 4pm. He then sits on his swing or perch and also likes to get a good fly in. He will do laps of the house and settle on the perch. He stays out until he gets tired which is usually around 9pm and he takes himself off to bed in the cage. When we go to bed he needs a good pat and chat before covering the cage for the night. And when I say he needs a pat and chat I really mean it! He know we are going to bed when he hears us brush our teeth. He then does a couple of screeched to let us know and then runs up and down the top of his cage until I come over. He literally falls over himself to jump on my finger and have some pats and chat. When he’s had enough he jumps in his cage. I will add though, as loving as this gesture is, once in the cage he snaps against bars very aggressively and then in the same breath asks for ‘kisses’ and gives kisses through the bars.

Big novel, but I have read a lot of the threads and the more info the better from what I can tell.

Overall he seems really happy, no major changes and has good diet and exercise. He hasn’t ever looked like this before. I will add that he doesn’t forage and isn’t interest in toys. I think he is pretty lazy (obviously my fault). I have tried so many different forage ideas from homemade ones to the store bought really expensive UFO looking device. When you put them in his cage he looks st it for a while, plays with it for 30 secs and gives up. I have even tried taking out all other food and only leaving the forage toy. He just seem interested. I have assumed that he is simply not bored and quite happy napping/eating seed/fruit. I do have trouble getting him to eat veg. If I do a mix bowl of fruit and veg, when I put it in his cage he will go down and take a good look in the bowl. Looks at me in disgust and proceed to pick out all the veg and throw it on the floor. It’s quite amusing! If I only put veg in, he simply doesn’t eat. So he mainly gets fruit although I persist every day with a bit veg. He also gets the Nutri pellets which he doesn’t mind too much.

That’s about it for now, would love some thoughts.

I hope the link for pic works ok

Re: Big molt and now I think plucking?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 8:32 pm
by sanjays mummi
Definitely plucking, you need an Elizabethan Collar, grapes with seeds inside, a a feather plucking rescue pack from Northern Parrots, or Scarletts, and maybe find out why he is plucking. It could be over zealous preening after his moult, depression,, which is why he isn't eating properly. Or, mites.Your avian vet will supply the collar, and give you a better idea as to why he is self harming.