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Shakti (Alexandrine) - 3 months - Eyes and molting

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 1:21 pm
by asulli
I have noticed that all the pictures I have seen of ringnecks the eyes are nothing like my Shakti's. I guess this is do to the fact that she is young?
Also, when do they usually have their 1st molting? I have been doing research and I cannot find anything on it. I just want to be prepared.

Also, she refuses to eat on her own (she will only eat apples, treats, etc) and we actually feed her 4 times a day with a spoon. Shakti does snuggle up to us after her meal and cuddles which is nice! I make all her food and mush it up a bit....Am I just spoiling the poor baby!

She does not really like store bought food and will mostly leave it although she sometimes eats the colorful pellets.

By the way she weighs 196 before her meal and then between 215 - 221 after. I wish there was a book that explain ALL...If anyone knows of such a book, please let me know. Thanks.

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 2:41 am
by julie
Alexandrians eyes are a different color to Indian ring necks eyes. They normally molt when the weather changes, you will know when a major molt is happening cause there is a lot of feathers floating around. What are you actually feeding her that she has it with a spoon?
If you are feeding hand raising formula, try making it slightly thicker, making it thicker will reduce the amount of times per day that she is getting fed by you.