Bird with newly clipped wings - can't fly.

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Bird with newly clipped wings - can't fly.

Post by Lags »

Hi ,

we have just got our ringnecks wings clipped. She is about 6/8 months old now. The problem is she still thinks she can fly and jumps off things, epecting to fly, but obviously can't, so she hits the deck hard. We are worried she will hrt herself dropping out of the sky!

So I was wondering if anyone has had similar experiences? Will she eventually learn that she can't fly anymore and give up jumping from the top of her cage? Its a bit of a worry and no we are wondering if we did the right thing by clipping her wings.
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wing clipping

Post by Janet »

If she is hitting the deck hard her wings haven't been clipped properly. My vet clipped my birds' wings and they can glide around but don't have much uplift. Birds can hurt themselves badly when they drop. I am very happy with my last wing clipping.

I am sitting in my office and there are two green rosellas in the tree outside the window. They are so beautiful. They are eating the berries on the tree.
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