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New - need help with my ringneck.

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:24 pm
by R2bbit
My bird is a Indian ringneck, male, around 13 years of age. Got him when he was 4. He has ALWAYS been afraid of people ever since we got him, even me and he will not at any circumstances get near anyone. He used to get out of his cage, when we opened it but later he didn't anymore. So after a while I started taking him out on my own with gloves but of course he fled from me like hell and still does that and bites the gloves trying to get free. I always put him on his cage but he won't fly on his own, he never has. So then I put my hand behind him so he would at least flee flying then and stretch his wings every now and then. But he usually ends on the floor. So today I noticed he is not moving one of his feet properly. It seems to be weaker than the other. He doesn't seem to be able to put the foot exactly where he wants to. He has to try several times to put it somewhere. He often stumbles when he's walking and doesn't grasp things with it as strongly or properly with it as the other one. Also he doesn't move the smallest toe of his foot at all. He does not straighten the toes of that leg either. I can't take him to the vet, because my family doesn't trust them, I got my chinchilla killed by one of the vets =.=. Since they didn't operate properly and didn't close the wound. Well basically we spent loads of money and neither my gran or my mum are willing to get me any new pets or take this bird to the vet. What do I have to do? I doubt the leg is broken and it looks fine, except for the misplacing, those toes and the it just sprained? He won't take food from me, and he threatens me with his beak when I get too near him, so I can't feed him by hand either. Will it get better? How can I help him? D:

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:21 am
by sheyd
I feel really bad for your bird....please
buy him some toys and check out your
local second-hand shops/eBay for some
bigger cages. He needs space to play
and move around without knocking his
feathers all the time as well as different
shaped perches (some being natural) for his feet.

If you're concerned about your bird,
you need to take a stand and get him
to the vet some way somehow.

If there is no one in your family- or
you are unwilling/cannot look after
this animals' welfare then I strongly
suggest that you give him up for adoption
to a family/person who will.

I know this may seem a little harsh-
but it is the animal who is suffering,
and it is a far more selfish act to keep
him because you want to and because
no one will buy you a new pet.:cry:


Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:31 am
by R2bbit
First of all, I do love my bird. A LOT. I love birds in general. It's just that when I got him, I never knew he needed a bigger cage. My grandmother bought him for me for my 8th birthday and he has been with me for nearly 9 years now. It is not about not wanting to help him. It's the exact opposite! I would, if I knew how! My mum did finally also agree to see the vet. I have to give the vet a call on Saturday and see what she can do. It has to be a home visit, because my bird is old and he's really afraid of everyone, so I wouldn't take the risk to transport him. We nearly have no vets for birds in Estonia, only very few, so I was lucky to even find one. What I said about a new pet was not because I wanted to replace Tuti. I'm not that kind of a person =.=. I would never, ever do that.. I said it to show that my granny and gran dad don't want new/more pets.. Otherwise I would have gotten Tuti a companion a long time ago. We've had some bad experience with two chinchillas before and my family doesn't trust in them or the vets anymore. My mum makes it only my responsibility to take care of Tuti and I do, but it's kinda hard to help him if I don't know how to! I cant' pay for a vet alone.. Also I will deffinetly buy a new cage now, but it will be in time, because we need to figure out what size he needs and our appartment isn't that big. My mum has agreed to help me and finds it neccesary now, as well. I'm going to try and arrange this and hopefully I can sort things out. I'm kinda concered Tuti won't get used to the new cage, though and will want to go back to his old one. I would need lots of tips, because I am willing to deffinetly help my birdy out as much as I can. He has never had any health problems before this foot problem, besides the behaviour, which I have never been able to figure out. I think he might've been in someone's ownership before me and they could have done something bad to him.

If you could already tell me which toys to buy that don't take too much room and that ringnecks might prefer I would be very grateful. There aren't any second hand shops for animals in my area, so I will have to go with an expensive cage. Also the perches, I need help with those too..could anyone perhaps give me some pictures so I would have any idea what to buy? After all I came to join this site because I want to help my bird. So don't think I could give him away. He's important for me.

Also Tuti, I don't know if it's because he can't stand properly or is bored, but he goes down to the bottom of the cage every now and then and starts ripping pieces off the newspaper that has been put there. It's weird because he never used to do this, but about two years ago it started. I've tried to put some toys up for him before..but he's very aggressive with them and tries to get rid of them. He has his little bells, but doesn't play with them.

I don't want him to suffer. So any advice would be gladly appreciated. Anything to help him, at all. Thank you in advance!

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:34 pm
by sheyd
It is good that you are going to help your bird! I am glad of that.

For a less expensive cage, if you don't have any
second-hand shops around you could try your local paper or eBay.
There are plenty of places in the UK willing to ship worldwide
and you might pick yourself up a bargain if you decide that
you'd like to bid instead of finding some in the "buy now" category.

As far as toys go- it's all up to personal choice. I make some
of my birds toys using bits of paper tied together to make
a ball knot or placing tissues in a cats toy ball that he loves
trying to get out and shred- my bird loves human baby
plastic links (climbs up them and hangs upside down) and
has several other interesting human baby toys as well
the usual bell and mirror (which he attacks from time to time)
,natural branches to chew on and trim the nails- also good
for rubbing an itchy beak!

Once you get a bigger cage I think you'll find a huge improvement
with his attitude- and his co-ordination-though this may take
awhile since he is so used to a tiny cage.

Introduce things slowly, so as not to startle him and you should
be fine.
Oh! And keep us updated! :D

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:25 am
by R2bbit
I'm going to do what I can, but since we're on a tight budget this month, I'm not sure what's going to happen just yet. I don't know how keen my mum would be on the idea of ordering online, but I'm sure we could buy a new cage in a normal shop next month. I hung up a cedar nut that we got from somewhere in the cage today. Tuti hasn't given any attention to it yet xD. But we'll see. What I've noticed is that he loves if it is sunny outside and his cage is on the window sill. He enjoys that, makes noises sometimes and such. He's also not fond of talking before he has eaten. So after he eats his seeds and piece of apple, he turns a bit more talkative xD. But you have to stay away from him like in the other corner of the room, so he wouldn't feel threatened. Or if you're close you can't look at him. Otherwise he won't say a word. As for the human dolls, where exactly do you put those? Hang them up in the cage? Because if they fall down on the dirt at the bottom, well, they'll get dirty. ^^ Oh and btw, how much fruit am I allowed to give him a day xD? Because if he doesn't get as much as he wants he tends to make his way to the bottom of the cage and search around in the dirt =.=.

Oh and pictures, haha. They are pretty hard to take because he flees from me when I get too close >>.

We're also attempting to cut his nails today for like the 2nd time in his life >>...I know, I know I should have done that earlier but I was kind of afraid to because we accidentally cut too far the last time. >: Do you have to buy the special scissors for this procedure though? Or are normal ones as cut out for the job? We think the foot problem might have been caused by his nails being too long. So I'm gonna see if it will make it any better if mum cuts them. Maybe that's all we need to do, well, hopefully. I don't want him to be hurt >.<.




Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:36 am
by R2bbit
Okay, uh, we tried to cut his nails but we couldn't really make them any much shorter than they are, we already cut one too far again =.=. Rubbed some soap against it, like we were advised to, but it still didn't help him. Tuti got really really upset and his heart was pounding so fast and he bit so hard into my finger I thought I was gonna cry Xx, no matter if I had 3 pairs of gloves on or not. He is still holding his little toe up and I think something is up, I have no idea what /:. He can walk around but that leg is weak, he can't grab things with it strongly and has to try several times. Still stumbles too :cry: . I'm really worried about him..

Even though I can already call the vet tomorrow, I'm feeling my bird's pain. I can't imagine what's causing him not to be able to straighten his toes?? He still has some grip in them but when he puts the foot somewhere the toes automatically curl up. He can't even grab his apple with them, I just see and watch him try to grab the apple, as he has it in his mouth and I can't help him and he can't grab it either, and that's the foot he grabs with. Doesn't anyone know what might have caused this?

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:55 pm
by pinkdevil
Hi R2bbit.

Nice looking ringie you have there. :)

Just wondering if you have any trees or access to branches in your area? I think it would help Tuti if you replaced those plastic same sized perches with natural bird safe wooden ones. To me those plastic perches look a bit thin for a ringie. :) Different width perches would help exercise his feet better than those plastic ones he has now. Also wooden perches I think would help keep his nails in trim. :) I have never had to trim any of my birds nail.

There is a list or link on the forum somewhere on safe wood for birds.

Also with bird toys, you could try giving him scrunched up paper for him to shred, cat toys with bells in the balls are loved by my bird, (anything that makes a noise is a hit with my guys. :) ), bird safe flowers, wood for him to chew.

You could also make little cardboard boxes and put treats in it for him to forage in. Breaks the bordom for a bit. Plastic bottle tops like those on soft drink bottles make fun little toys for a short while to. Also cheap baby toys are great as they make noise, colourful and quite tough for little babies so are tough for birds to. :)

Maybe if you do a search for home made bird toys you could find some things that you could make with stuff you already have in the house or garden. Just double check to make sure that the products you do use are safe for birds. :)

I find my birds will make a game or play with almost anything they can get their beaks onto.

Good luck with the vet tomorrow, let us know how he goes.

He really is a sweet looking little bird. :)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:22 pm
by R2bbit
Yeah, we have put some branches in there, but not exactly as for walking on, but more for chewing and such. Next month when we get a bigger cage, I will be sure to try and get some more to put in there. Mum bought him quite a few toys today. But he doesn't seem to be interested in the paper balls, the cones, the new wooden (natural) latter nor the mirror or the new bells. This is kind of weird, maybe he just needs time to get used to them. But he's kind of afraid of all the stuff. But I guess I'll see how it goes if he gets in a bigger cage. As for now I'm hoping that his foot will be alright..he doesn't seem to able to stretch his toes at all and I'm getting really stressed about it. As a matter of fact, this is the second time we cut his nails. We just thought they might've kept him from moving his toes right, but it doesn't seem to be it. And the foot IS getting a little swollen. Thanks for the tip on the cardboard boxes, though, I will keep that one in mind for later on : ). And thank you for the compliment, he does look nice for an old guy, hehe <3.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:42 pm
by bec
skeet & genjen were both scared of toys when first introduced to them but very quickly got used to them
skeet also had a weak foot when she was very young on advice from a breeder i lnow & many people from here i got many different sized perchs
including ones th were so wide it was almost like she was standing one flat groung (look at perchs for large parrots) and ranging to smaller withinn days we started noticing an increasing stregth in her weak foot
we are now doing the same thing with a recent addition to our madhouse a budgie with a weak foot & in the week we have had jasper he can now grasp the side od his cage

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:55 pm
by R2bbit
I'm trying to do the best I can. As soon as I'm recovered from being sick and home, I will use my birthday money to go out and search for more different sized branches in shops and trees. I will do my best and hopefully will get some advice from the vet as well. So next month better come quick! I'm kinda excited for the new cage. Oh by the way. Knowing my bird is old and really scared of people...if I ever even considered, at his age, getting him a companion? Would he welcome him/her with open ...erm..."arms" or would it not be that great of an idea? Tuti has kind of started attacking everyone that gets near him. So I don't think if that would be a good solution to his behaving problems. And I don't think my gran would be too keen on it, knowing I won't be around so much in the future, as I'm off to uni in two years or so. I'm 17 now. Ohh and.. I really appreciate everyone's help. I'm so glad I found this place. ^-^ It means a lot to me that there are people willing to lend a helping hand!

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:42 am
by R2bbit
The vet didn't do anything. She couldn't put elastic around the little toe because it bent back to the wrong position. The little toe and foot is going to stay as it is. Though the other toes might get better if he moves around on new perches. The vet said she doesn't know what to do. Estonian vets are not so experienced and don't know how to carry out difficult procedures or operations like needed for my bird to put the toe back to the right place. When we had had discovered it right when he injured it, they could have tied it up with the elastic, but it's too late now. And what's even worse? It is the SAME vet who literally killed my chinchilla. She is totally inexperienced but also the only vet around. I'm not going to put my ringie through more stress. She even hurt Tuti's eye so a little capillar in it broke or sth and bled all over the parrot has to live like this for the rest of his life because there is nothing that the vet can do. :cry:

I guess the only good thing is we got him a new cage. So at least he'll be able to happily live there from tomorrow. We're gonna let him rest from the stress today.

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:37 pm
by Dolphinheart
R2bbit you ahve a very bautiful birdie there and well done for working hard to make his life better.

sounds like he needs some time to get used to the new stuff in his life but if he is a shy bird then i can not see that changing quickly but be patient with him too if he has not had toys to play with before he may need soem tiem to get the confidence up to play with them.

keep at the loving and the attention they all like that even if they try not too -lol.

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:08 am
by R2bbit
Yep, planning to do my best. Still wondering if buying him a companion later would be a good idea..

New cage, lol, I don't know what drove mum to buy it already, but she did:



Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:25 am
by bec
oh that cage is so much better!!!!!!! & doesnt he look happier!!!
hes so beautiful
im sure his foot will start improving with more exersise your doing really well !!!!
keep up the good work & keep us posted

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:53 am
by R2bbit
Lol, thank you I'm sure he is. Although he is not used to the new enviroment yet so he's always moving down to eat along the sides of the cage lol >>..avoiding flying or hopping.

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:35 pm
by pinkdevil
Well done on getting him a bigger cage. :)

I had a similar problem with a vet here. One of my chicks last year had splayed legs. I researched online and found a brace type splint to put her into correct the problem. As it was my first experience with splayed legs, I wanted a second opinion from a vet. All she basically sugested to me was to put my baby down!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :(
I brought her back home and continued with the brace and wella, good as new in just a few short weeks. :) :) :)

Who knows, maybe now that you have a better cage and thicker perches, Tutis foot might improve. :)

How did the vet damage poor Tutis eye?

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:54 pm
by sheyd
That's a fantastic cage! He does look alot happier! :D

With the baby toys, my bird doesn't have any dolls just those linkable links and a teether- I'll post pictures of his cage later (cameras dead) to show you what I mean.

I hope tuti's eye is okay?

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:25 am
by R2bbit
Well Tuti's eye seems to be okay now. But I think she hurt it when holding him and examining him. She held his head in a towel and I think she didn't do it properly. The foot is slowly improving, but the little toe is still the same. I guess as long as he's happy with his life and it doesn't cause him pain, he can live with it :). The vet thought Tuti might have fallen and twisted that toe and since the toe muscles are used to this new positioning, (apparently he twisted it a few months ago and mum didn't tell me :evil: ) there's no helping the toe, since it will bend back to the wrong position if you try to make it straight with an elastic. So that's that. Tuti is still very much afraid of every living human been TwT. And tends to sit on one perch, no interest towards toys at all. He actually got really angry at the paper ball I put up for him. He bit through the thread and pooped on the ball later >.>. He talks a lot more now, though, but I can't talk back since I'm sick and don't have a voice xD. It's kinda irritating! Now that my parrot gives me some attention, I can't give him any back lol. I tried to whisper sth to him, but then he shut up xD. I think he's talking to the bird in the mirror...haha, not me. So any suggestions on buying him a companion? As in, I don't know how he would adjust to him/her. Besides, he is old and the new bird would probably be a lot younger. And..I don't want them to have any babies >w>. So I'm kinda hesitating about this.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:03 am
by R2bbit
False alarm. Neither Tuti's foot or behavior are improving at all. I THOUGHT they were, so I took him out today and put him on the floor to see how he uses the foot. Of course he acted like he always does, I had to try so many times to get him out of the cage and when I put him on the floor, the toes all just curled up again and he just walked around on curled toes and fled from me. I just don't know what's wrong with him and it's starting to irritate me. He doesn't show any interest to the new cage either and just sits at one place and sometimes goes down to eat. This isn't helping his foot if he doesn't walk around and I can't make him can I. Maybe if I buy him that companion someday, he'll be more cheery about it? Because obviously he does not like people and nothing else seems to work. We've done all we can and he is not improving at all :? .

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:11 pm
by Fah
I think a companion is the worst thing you can do for that bird at this point in time.... you have changed its entire life around, you dont want to give it more stress of throwing in another chaotic bird to the mix.

You need to take things more slowly... you have a bird that has been used to a very small cage for years upon years, the same environment no?

It has only just recently been given a better larger cage, something so alien to it, it probably doesnt understand and possibly doesnt feel comfortable atm.

Stop bouncing between cures and worries until you give it some time, this time can be weeks upon months of work to fix your bird.

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:34 pm
by bec
i agree with fah give tuti some time too adjust
my very frienddly hand raised baby had a problem with his feet & it took about 2 months to come good after i implemented all the advice i gave you earlier in this post
as to him sitting still in the cage all of my irns have done that when put in unfamiliar surroundings
skeet was put in a cage shes seen most of her life 3 weeks ago but before in was her mum& dads cage shes only just sarting to play on the toys that i took from her old cage this week & skeet is only a 7 month old baby!!!!!
your tutui is just getting to know his new homethe fact that he is eating is a good sign that he will adjust (& enjoy ) his new home keep up the faith but remember the key ingredients to a good relationship with your irn
patince understanding love & yummy treats!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:21 pm
by sheyd
Yep I agree with everything Fah said:)

Anyway here's the picture of the baby links and the teether toy I was talking about earlier.


Oh! and 14 is not old for a IRN!

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 2:29 am
by Fah
When you get to 25ish with an IRN you can safey say you have kept the bird in a great healthy environment and diet heh, thats old in the tooth for many an IRN to make it to that age.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 4:16 am
by sheyd
I forgot to add: Chocobo (my Ringneck) often doesn't use the purple ladder down in the middle of his cage to get around...he loves sliding down (usually with his beak) between the bars to get to where he's going- or climbing up the sides. Only when he's in a playful mood (usually when I'm not seen watching him) will I see him climb up the purple ladder, have a bath or roll or shred his paper in the cat balls. When he is in his cage he is very secretive- and if he sees me, he will stop what he's doing and will want to come out!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:12 am
by R2bbit
Thank you everyone! The best thing to know when it comes to any problems is to know you have support :)! I'm very glad there are so many understanding people out here! I guess even if his foot doesn't get better, he's so full of life that he can still live happily. He's slowly getting used to the cage and I open the cage every day so if he wants he can climb out, but of course he rarely does that when someone is watching, mostly never xD. My grandmother said though, that once I was not in my room, she came to peek what Tuti's doing, and he was actually climbing on the rope, so I guess yeah, he probably doesn't like to be watched! ^-^ Also I hung up another ball of paper and again, he bit through the string! It's so weird, I don't know what he has against those balls xD. It's pretty hard for him to move around though, I've sometimes watched him and he does have trouble with the foot, as it gets in his way. Sorry for the late post too, I couldn't log in for some time, since the server was down or sth. Have a great day & thanks again!

*Edit* I forgot to mention that I only just recently discovered he really loves cucumbers for some reason. O.o I gave him some for the first time and now all he does is pick everything else out and make noises until I give him another slice xD. If I won't he'll be making his way to the bottom of the cage to look around in the leftovers again lol =.=.

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:46 am
by sheyd
How's your Tuti? :D

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:57 pm
by Tempest
R2bbit wrote:Yep, planning to do my best. Still wondering if buying him a companion later would be a good idea..

New cage, lol, I don't know what drove mum to buy it already, but she did:


I'm not expert on this (YET) but from my understanding buying a companion can make him fear/hate human relationshipd even more. Thats if you are trying to work on him to become more family friendly. Like i said though I am not an expert and I can protest against keeping companion birds int he same cage. My lovebird and cockatiel lived in the same cage for all their lives and would be just as cuddlie as a hand fed only bird with no cage buddy.

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:59 pm
by Tempest
Chocobo wrote:Yep I agree with everything Fah said:)

Anyway here's the picture of the baby links and the teether toy I was talking about earlier.


Oh! and 14 is not old for a IRN!
Uggg... Thats alot of stuff to clean. lol However, I do the same stuff. My Talon is cluttered with toys. Most of which may last a month if I am lucky. hehe

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:43 pm
by R2bbit
Sorry haven't been posting. Really busy lately >.< Umm Tuti's doing the same. Still afraid of everyone more than ever and still can't move his toes. :/

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 9:20 pm
by Ringneck <3
i hope tuti's foot gets better :/

lol just a side note but it sounds like that vet isnt very well trained LOL :shock: :shock:

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:36 am
by R2bbit
Yep probably not ^^. Tuti is still the same. Nothing has really improved...neither his behaviour OR his foot O.o. Guess I'll just have to live with it <3.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 4:45 pm
by sheyd
Tempest wrote: Uggg... Thats alot of stuff to clean. lol However, I do the same stuff. My Talon is cluttered with toys. Most of which may last a month if I am lucky. hehe
LOL...he gets on average one new toy a week! Kids are complaining he
has more toys than them lol.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 7:26 am
by R2bbit
Well Tuti doesn't still seem to be doing better. He's changing his feathers atm too so he is a real mess lol. And he seems more terrified and agressive than ever ^^. Maybe he is stressed or sth idk, but I don't really know what else I can do for him, so I guess I'll have to accept the way he is. Cheers!

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:20 am
by U.S Marine
No, you don't have to accept who
he is because with time & patience
you can change him. How is he
doing now, is he less aggressive?

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:40 am
by R2bbit
Same as always. He looks as if he hates everyone. Whenever we go near him he just tries to attack, threatening us with his beak. If we go even nearer, he flees until we leave him alone. When I shove him out of the cage, (that's the only way, he never comes out when we leave the cage open or bribe him with his favourite treats) he also flees. That's how he has always been and nothing, no bribing no talking to him from afar or being patient has helped. Therefore I've aleady gotten used to him being this way. Though whenever we aren't in the room for a while and he hears us somewhere, he starts yelling, so that's weird. But when I talk to him he doesn't ever talk back. Only when he wants to and that almost never happens.

He is changing feathers btw. And I observed him when he was trying to get one out and apparently he picked on it for so long that now a tiny bit of the part of the wing is bloody. I somehow managed to clean thatbit and he didn't make anything of it, as in, didn't hurt him so I think he'll be fine. His foot is also the same. I think it might be half crippled O-o;.

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 8:00 am
by U.S Marine
Damn, poor bird & it must be tough for you.
If you can, get another Ring neck but make
sure it will be tame, don't put it in the same
cage as your current bird. As time goes by
maybe your current bird will want to interact
with your new bird & you!? :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 2:11 pm
by R2bbit
That probably won't happen. We did have the idea, but mum has desided we won't get any more pets or brids so ^^;. Just gonna let him live his life as he wants to and whatever makes him happy makes him happy what can I do :). I examined his wing more closely today. I'm not sure completely but I think the bone is visable and it's red so is that blood? O__o. Is it normal for a bird who is changing feathers? Because yeah..he seems okay, but still makes me anxious.

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:02 pm
by U.S Marine
You are a great person, sucks that we cant
have more people like you in the world.
About the wing i really don't know, i am
still waiting for my birds first molt but
the best thing you can do is get a picture
of it. 8)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:55 pm
by R2bbit
Was that sarcasm...xD?
Anyways I might try, but I don't know if I can alone, I need someone holding the camera as it is hard enough to hold him so I'd see the wing. He doesn't like being caught and he is really eager to bite your finger off when you try to hold him still >.<;. Plus I dont want to upset my mum with this I already told her Tuti was fine? I guess I'll leave him to rest for a while as I've aggravated him enough during the last few days.

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:31 pm
by U.S Marine
R2bbit wrote:Was that sarcasm...xD?
Anyways I might try, but I don't know if I can alone, I need someone holding the camera as it is hard enough to hold him so I'd see the wing. He doesn't like being caught and he is really eager to bite your finger off when you try to hold him still >.<;. Plus I dont want to upset my mum with this I already told her Tuti was fine? I guess I'll leave him to rest for a while as I've aggravated him enough during the last few days.
No sarcasm here, you really are a good person :wink: .

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:40 pm
by floridamedgirl
r2bbit you are doing a great job at trying to make your baby's life better. Just keep trying. The cage was a great upgrade and Im sure he is soo much happier.

It takes a lot of time for birds to trust you. Some are more willing to be around thier humans than others. I would have suggested to do what you are already doing! Just leave the cage open, let him go in/out when he wants and bribe him with treats. He will soon learn that you= treats and GOOD things! Rotate his toys so he doesnt get bored. crumple up balls of paper even if he eats them and attacks them... it gives him something to do!

You can feed him almost anything. The more variety the better. I feed mine fresh food twice a day. I give him things like : oatmeal, mashed potatoes, pasta, breadsticks, spinach,snap peas, corn on the cob, broccoli, cauliflower, cherries, oranges, apples (they loooove apples!) kiwi, coconut, seed sprouts, sweet potatoes, blue berries... etc etc! Offer him something new as often as you can and he will start to figure out that he WANTS you there :D

Talk to him as much as you can (when you feel better). My baby responds well to a soft and happy voice. I tell him hello, good morning, as him how he is, what is he doing..

Give him as many types of perches you can get... like different kinds of wood, the calcium ones that they can chew on, the ones made of rope.. Ive read that they can get damage to thier feet if they only have one kind of perch. Im sure this will take a pretty long time for him to get better footing, if ever... but you are definitely trying to make him healthier.. so just look FORWARD.

Enjoy your baby, you have many years left to spend with him! When he calls to you when you leave the room its because you are part of his flock and he wants to know where you are. He DOES like you, hes just not good at showing it!


Keep us posted! There are alot of people on this site that are very helpful and have years of great experience to share with us!

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:30 pm
by Recio
Hi R2bbit,

People in the blog have already told you most of things to do to improve the health of your bird. I will play the devil saying you things not easy to accept:
1: About the foot: it is not a bone injury as a fracture since it would have healed long time ago. There are two possibilities:
a) The toe is dislocated and it hurts your bird. In this case the toe should be cut out to avoid pain.
b) The bird has a sciatica and he can not move properly due to neural impairment and pain. If it was the case the muscles of the leg would be atrophied (check it). In this case first step treatment should be made with paracetamol and/or antiinflamatory drugs. Surgical treatment like in humans would not be possible for your bird.
In both situations pain can induce agressive behaviour from your bird and a change in his relation to you.

2: About his behaviour: two possibilities:
a) Agressivity due to foot pain
b) Your bird is 13 years old. IRN can reach in captivity up to 20-25 years, but there is not doubt: it is an old bird. He can develop neurodegeneratif diseases like Alzheimer or Parkinson in humans. This could explain his character, change in mood, ... and even his foot trouble (central neural disease). That is why I would do what you have in mind from several weeks ago: to buy him a female. Perhaps she will induce an increase in his sexual steroids and it will improve his health. Of course you should not put them together from the begining: put both cages one beside the other for 2-3 weeks and then change the male to the cage of the female.

Hope he will go better

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:25 pm
by floridamedgirl
how is tuti?

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:46 pm
by diamonds0303
you could take your pet to a grooming store, maybe she/he might need their nails clipped......or sometimes if you don't have a large enough perch....the birds nails touch and this could cause pain.... but go to a professional(grooming place) and let them look at he/she and do it if necessary.......
hope this helps :D

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:03 pm
by diamonds0303
I was just wondering does your bird like to take a bath?? My bird likes icecubes in her water.....not sure why....but she loves to be is a link of her taking a bath....her name is sunshine, she's not full grown yet.....but she gets grumpy if she can't
this might help his foot.....

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:00 am
by R2bbit
Hi y'all.

Tuti's doing fine. Well he's pretty settled in with his new cage although toys still don't interest him at all. The pine cone I put in his cage has remained untouched and he doesn't climb the rope :P. He does dance like he always has and his foot is still the same, though it doesn't bother him or seem to hurt him at all. No his nails aren't long. They've been clipped. Otherwise he's like he has always been. Doesn't like to be touched and gets aggressive when you go too near or just flees to the other side of the cage. ^^ He does notice you when he wants food though. In the morning he can sing for hours until you just get your butt off the bed and put some seeds and apple and cucumber in his bowl, hehe. : D

As for the foot I'm pretty sure the circulation in the little toe is dead. As he can't use that toe at all. Not even move it a bit, he just doesn't use it anymore. The rest of the toes on that foot he has a hard time to stretch out to put on another perch so he sometimes pulls them straight with his beak so he can step on to another perch as they automatically curl up, he can stretch them but it takes him a while and he has a hard time. Though it doesn't seem to bother him that much. Or hurt him.

Re: New - need help with my ringneck.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:28 am
by R2bbit
Hello everyone!

Just here to say that Tuti's condition has gotten really bad. He was doing fine until yesterday night. Some time at night he got really restless and after 3 hours or so fell of his perch. Mum came to wake me up to see what was going on. Tuti was sitting at the bottom of the cage. So I psuhed him a little so he would walk and he couldn't, just stumbled. I took him out and gave a look at his feet. His bad foot was still the same, but his good foot which had been just fine the last night was now crippled and he couldn't even feel when I put my finger between his toes. He always grasps my finger with them when I do that, because he doesn't like being taken out of the cage by me, so that's his deffensive position. But now he just looked weak and didn't even feel me touching his so far good foot. So basically he can't stand on the perches anymore, just lies at the bottom of the cage. I put his bowls with food and a piece of apple and cucumber there with him along with the water, because he still manages to stumble around now and then. I'm not sure if he can or cannot eat his seeds or drink the water from the bowl, but he does eat the apple and the cucumber. Don't tell me to call the doctor because I've already told you she does not know how to help make his condition better. She had no idea last time about what was going on with my bird so I'm not gonna ask her over again. I don't really know what's going on with Tuti..or why his feet are acting the way they are. I do want to make this as easy for him as possible, though, so any idea how to make it tolerable for him? He doesn't seem to hurt, just doesn't feel his feet at all.

Re: New - need help with my ringneck.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 5:20 pm
by xx_sheena_xx
Im sorry that Tuti has gotten worse
I had a baby budgie who hit its head and ended up having no function in either of its legs, i didnt know what eles to do other then have it put to sleep because birds wont have a happy life if they cant use their legs.
Im sorry but if Tuti cant use his legs i feel it would be better to have him put down so he doesnt suffer

Re: New - need help with my ringneck.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 5:57 pm
by bec
oh poor tuti!!!!!
i think i would have to agree with sheena here
i know its hard to come to this desicion but after eveything youve done to improve his life since you first came here we know the most important thing to you is tutis well being & quality of life
you have to think of whats best for him

Re: New - need help with my ringneck.

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:33 am
by R2bbit
I considered that aswell, but there is no need for it anymore. He was overall weak and didn't eat at all, just lied at the bottom of the cage with his feathers fluffed up. Although I but a warm water bottle in there, moved him near the radiator and lied a bit of warm scarf on him as well as but a towel on the bottom of the cage, nothing helped. He pretty much refused to even take food from me. I was supposed to call the doctor today, but sadly Tuti passed on..
I checked on him around 5.00 am, tried to make him drink a bit of water and fed him a little bit of apple, cleaned his tail feathers, put him back in the cage to sleep & went back to sleep myself , but when I woke up 10-15 minutes after 8.00, he was lying in his cage still. His heart had stopped beating. I tried to close his eyes but that didn't work, only hurt his eyes, so I kissed him goodbye, wrapped him in his towel and put him in a nike shoebox. We put sand in the box on his tiny little body, because we can't bury him anywhere at the moment. There is deep snow outside and the ground is frozen. Either we have to wait until spring or tell my stepdad, maybe we can bury Tuti in his yard instead. Although it's far and I couldn't visit him there much, the ground might not be so hard there.

It is 10:30 am now..

Thank you all for lovingly supporting me, Tuti and this heartbreaking journey. I loved my little birdie with all my heart and he surely didn't deserve to die so young.

I will miss you my sweetie! xx