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Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:52 pm
by fo0x
yesterday i go to my friend to buy the new alexandrine of one years old ..we met on the sea street... when my friend get the parrot out the cage to show me the parrot fly awy and falldown in the sea and still wave by this wings i in just minute swimme to the parrot and get him out the sea
i think my new parrot get an emotional shock.... when i catch him in the sea he bite me hardly and the blood come out from my hand but i dont leave him and save his life and when i go to home put him under light and still follow him .. he eat from my hand after some period ... but i am afraid to get sick soon
what i can do with such sad parrot
how i get him forget that sad event
and does this event will get him wild
plz want help

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:02 pm
by Fah
Heya, like with any traumatic experience and shock it just means more impact on the calm and relaxed approach you need to take to training / socialising it.

The bird has a fresh memoory of terror and humans involved in that terror, so it will take a calm and relaxed and most importantly a forgiving approach to fixing this.

Unfortunately when a bird starts to get nippy and/or viscious, you cant show reaction... easier said than done. The basic principles behind bluffing is the same that goes into training a bird not to be bitey.

Also, a few socialization tips like many of the forum topics around this site, or simple non specific info sites like the following can really help in a general understanding of socialising your bird.

Dont be worried about looking for specific Alexandrine bird socialising stuff, any basic info on bird taming is relatively the same bar a few rarer exotics.

In regards to getting sick, if the bird looks fine, and is not coontinually shaking, keep it in a warm, calm area, with loads of fruit, vegetables and seed/pellets for it to eat. If the bird seems a little lifeless, or looks like its having a hard time staying still in the perch, or wings look droopy or if the eyes dont look clear or the vent (poop area) looks messy take it into the vet asap.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:21 am
by fo0x
today he start eat from my hand and start stand on my finger .... but i feel the salty water of the sea affect him , he start clean himself but alot of dandrouf and crasts go out from his body and i feel his beaks cracked ( get very shalow depressions ) ..
1.leave him clean himself from the salty water or put him in a warm water bath?

2. when the bird fly and get down in the sea the foreign birds try to touch him ,, i am afraid from the dangerous disease of bird flu ,, but the time was too short ,, is it any possibilty for virus to get in my parrot ,, till now he is manner good ,, what i should do,, wait or go to vet?

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:29 am
by Fah
When in doubt, overract imo :P hehe

A vet check is a good idea, I doubt you would have any problems with any virus or influenza, from the sound of it it was such a small time frame and there was very limited contact... but hey, i wasnt there. If your bird doesnt seem 100%, take it to a vet, tell them what happened. They might even feel necessary to give the bird a vitamin booster.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:50 am
by fo0x
thank u very much really for ur help...
and for first question of the salty water what i should do,,, leave him clean him self or but him in worm water path?

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:07 am
by SkyBaby
fo0x wrote:thank u very much really for ur help...
and for first question of the salty water what i should do,,, leave him clean him self or but him in worm water path?

Oh wow! i just read this. Poor little guy!! Glad he survived it, though!!

I would give him a warm bath/shower. It could be that the salt in the sea water removes the good preening oils from the feathers. I dunno.. just throwing ideas out there? But a bath sounds like it could help. Yes.. like everyone else said.. take him to your avian vet!!

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:16 am
by julie
I only just come across this post. How is the bird now?
I guess you got a first hand lesson about birds- its not a very good idea to take a bird out of a cage in a strange place with strange people especially when they can fly away. I'm glad you managed to save him /her.

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:27 am
by fo0x
my parrot is in good condition .. now he allow me to feed him by my hand , give me a kiss when i ask , get on my hand when i ask , but dont allow for touch his head and play in it he rapidly bite me hardly ...what is the solution i want touch his head by my hand ..
these is pics of the huge koko


plz leave ur comment on my parrot he is 1yr old and he will be boy soon
u see that size before in this age ?