Peeks Diary...

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Peeks Diary...

Post by Mikaela »

I am beginning this topic for Peek-a-Boo's Mom. It is a way she can maintain the birds progress/happiness, and move on knowing her baby is with a great new Mommie. If this annoys anyone, just skip the topic. I promised this to her and a promise is a promise... She was a wonderful person that was big enough to give her baby to someone that has the time for her. Sweet woman that loved her baby enough to do the right thing.

However, I hope ya'll that choose to read it enjoy learning about Ms. Peek-a-Boo.

Heather: Love you girl, your/our baby is fine. As I don't cover Baby's cage, I didn't cover Peeks either and she didn't seem to mind. She isn't as playful as the baby but I suppose that is normal. She likes to hang out and look around rather than play but this might change once she settles in. She doesn't seem depressed but you can tell she is a bit confused. I don't think it will come to this but if she gets sad will you come to see her? Again, no worries, she isn't acting sad but if so I want to make her happy and that might mean a visit from you. She pouted at bedtime lastnight and it broke my heart so I left the lights on and slept with her in the living room. Once she saw I and the baby were sleeping, she started settling in looking much safer feeling. If I notice her just sitting around pouting, I'll let you know. It is more like she is looking at her new environment and too busy to play. Not too busy to french kiss though, they are doing it right now. I'll let you know how day one goes. Wouldn't it be something for my baby to grow into a little boy. They sure seem to be awfully lovey dovey (or maybe they swing that way :twisted: )

Before she wanted to come out this morning, she required a few minutes of neck rubbing. How does she like it? Does she like being rubbed under the neck with your fingers or gently scrathed with your nails? I was doing a little of both and out came those wings. OOhhhh ma thats the spot! Then out she came and she and the baby have played on the condo all morning. Today, they both get a bath.

I can't decide who needed who more, the baby or big sis. They both seem happy and baby bird is so in aw of Big Sis, mimics everything she does.
Last edited by Mikaela on Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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mikeala new bany

Post by ScarletKnight »

sorry didn't know if i should post here but that is a good idea. But that great of you to do this, I know you are a great parent and if any1 can take care of of peeka boo it gonna be you hope you have a happy life together.
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Post by Mikaela »

By all means post... This forum is for everyone's comments and questions. I felt that her previous Mommie deserved this. It only takes me a minute and it probably makes her day to hear about her baby.
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Post by ringneck »

Sounds great! I would love to read her progress as well! Might I suggest you separate them for the time being? Your ringneck's vocal ability is developing and this will hinder him.

This babbly stage is a very special window for human/speech development and only happens once during a ringneck’s life.

Also, I love the idea of a diary for your new adopted baby! I bet the previous owner is going to love for that and so well the rest of us!

Again, thanks for sharing!

Best wishes and keep us busy reading her progress :wink:

Best wishes,

Imran Chaudry
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Post by Mikaela »

It has been a few days now and Peek-a-Boo is all settled in. The screaming has stopped compared to her first day or so.

I keep them both in different cages at night or when I am away from home. Otherwise, they play together or apart. Sis has full flight (until I can clip) so she decides when she wants to be with Baby.

Baby is not the nippy girl she once was. Her curiousity/jealousy of the new girl has made her much nicer. She steps up faster and with no bites. They are both getting along great, however, baby gets to be too much for Sis so she then nips her leg. It is soooo gentle but the baby acts like she just lost her leg.... drama queen. :roll:

Peek-a-Boo's other Momma and I speak every day. She misses her oh so much. I promised her I would always have this diary going and set up a photobucket site where she can see new pics daily. I have lived up to that and it is helping her other Mom let go.

Peek-a-Boo got a job yesterday. She and I are going to rest homes Sunday after church and visit the elderly, lonely people. She is going to love being front and center and I am going to love seeing the looks on those old folks faces. I have a very soft spot for the elderly. I am looking forward to this experience and hope it works out.

Ringneck: when you say seperate, do you mean entirely? Please be more specific. I certainly DO NOT want to hender the baby in any way. Do you just mean different homes (cages) or not being together all day? Please let me know exactly what you mean.
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Post by ringneck »

Keep them in different rooms and allow them to play together during the day. My ringneck is fantastic at talking and was allowed to play with his sister but both had different rooms.

Interact with them like you would normally, just keep them in separate rooms. Hope this helps.

I am off for the weekend catch you later :wink:

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Post by Mikaela »

Awesome, I will let Baby sleep in my room from now on. That use to be a treat for her but guess she lucked out.

Enjoy your trip and hurry back!
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Thanks from the bottom of my heart....

Post by bestmomfl »

I will enjoy this diary very much. And I will be there in a second to visit if you think that she what she needs. Let me know and I'll plan the trip for this weekend. Get her a kiss from me. Thanks
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Post by Mikaela »

Peek-a-Boo said she would fake sick if it got you here but otherwise she is doing fine. She and Baby are listening to their CD, although Im not sure I want them learning "human's suck" or 'get a life'.

Peek-a-Boo is trying to learn 'what ya doin' but she gets all messed up, bless her heart. :lol:

When I laugh at her she looks at me as if to say "well, at least I can fly hunny". Shes got me there. :oops:
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Post by Mikaela »

Well today I had to watch my sister for 3 hours as Momma slept because one of the human boys kept her up being sick lastnight. I am already getting tired of these boys. I didnt care much for the boy at my other Mommie's house either. I would talk for him but I didnt let him near me. All I get is to listen to my parrot phrase CD (which Mom really doesn't approve of but allows it if she really needs to be alone) and a few hours shoulder time out of the deal and even then Momma is busy with the 4 human boys, which by the way also gets on my nerves. Mom recently has told all of them only to play with Baby. I am glad for that because they always wanted to hold me and NOONE touches me except my two moms, yeah thats right. I am very lucky, I have two Moms and both love me with all of their heart. One Momma got really busy with her human baby. I hope my other Mommie doesnt let that happen. If so, I will have to set up joint visitation between the two Moms because I will not be ignored. One of my human brothers is Ok. He is a human boy, which I hate but he is somehow different. I will allow him to enjoy my presence as long as he doesnt touch me. This works to my advantage because once I get up there, Momma has to get me down. He is scared of my bites. He has no reason to be, I bite as a warning... never to hurt. Nonetheless, he is ok to be a boy. I like Daddy alot because he always comes home with something new for me and Baby but never tries to touch us. He has the right idea.

Once Mommie finally woke up, I got my shoulder time and decided this would be a good time to do my diary, mom types alot faster. She made a poo smock so now I can poop all over her and not feel bad about it, not that I ever did anyway. I can also get an awesome grip into the material. I live for shoulder time. It is alot better now that Mommie trusts me and doesnt wear a hat. I can rub against her face now. I could also bite it but I have been warned: One bite and shoulder time is gone forever. My Mom always means what she says so I am going to try really hard not to have any accidents.

My Mom and Dad have been talking about this flight suit thing and Im not really sure I like the sound of it. I think Mommie has decided to clip my wings really well and use a leash. I heard her tell Daddy "I dont want to put that on her, it will freak her out' and what she says goes soooo. Not really going to worry about it right now.

I have a job. I go to see the elderly at rest homes on Sunday afternoon. This is my first week and I am a little nervous. See now why Mom is considering that flight suit thing? She believes it is safer for me to have my flight taken away and wear a leash in case I freak out. She better do something though and FAST because I start this SUNDAY! I might have to start next Sunday if they dont get this figured out. I am going to be so happy and proud about my job. Mommie said it was a very important one and I must be on my best behavior or I'll be fired, whatever that means... it doesnt sound good.

Well, Mommie is tired of typing and the boys are being loud so we have to go deal with them. I dont have to move out ever but Mommie assured me that the boys will go away when they get as big as her. Gosh, I hope thats soon. I would have my Mommie all to myself, except for Baby and to be honest, for a sister she isnt too bad. In fact, she is the best. I just get tired of always getting stuck watching her!

One more thing about my day. That CD Mommie got for Baby and I taught me a new phrase.... "Beat it". Mom doesn't encourage me to say this though for some reason. However, she and Daddy always laugh *shrug*. I like when they watch me and I make them happy. I have also started mimicing Moms laugh which kind of freaks her out, which is why I do it. 8)
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Post by Mikaela »

Hey Yall:

Well I am here to tell you, I am NON too happy today. My Mommie took me and my lil sis to some place that had a MEAN man :evil: . The man did awful things to us. Mommie called him a vet... my sister and I hate the vet and plan never to go back. Mommie said we never had to again. She got upset and had to leave the room, thereby leaving us alone with him. If she knew what he did we would never forgive her so we are glad she left.

You arent going to believe what this evil man did to us. He cut our beautiful feathers off and cut our pretty nails :shock: . He even made my sister bleed! My goodness, I was so upset. He did all of this so fast Mommie didnt see him. Sneaky mean man.

Mommie said I would get use to having my wings clipped and said 'she had to in order to keep me safe' blah... whatever :roll: I trust her though so I plan to play extra hard tomorrow to make up for today. My sis and I have slept most of the day trying to recouperate from this ordeal. Tomorrow will be a better day.

So, now we cant fly and our nails are too short to do any real playing, think they are kind of sore. We dont hold any of this towards Mommie though. She didnt know what he was doing, she wasnt in there. My Daddy was but he didnt stop the man. Doesnt our Daddy love us? He always buys us alot of stuff but I dont know why he didnt beat up that mean man. He was KILLING us, or at least we thought he was.

I was suppose to start my job at the rest home today but enough is enough for one day so Mommie brought me and Baby home and I start next Sunday. I am Ok and so is lil sis but this was the worse day of my life. And on top of everything, I cant fly. I am so clumsy right now without my flight wings. I use to be so majestic and flighty. I always wondered why I could fly and my baby sis couldnt. Now I know... it is because of that evil nasty man :!:
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visitng elderly

Post by ScarletKnight »

great idea for visiting odl folks i did that with max for a while but he got too old and ahs arthuritis . ne how it take a whiel for birds to get used to flight suits. so starts as soona s u can
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Post by Mikaela »

No flight suit, poo smock and clipped wings for this girl :wink:

I would rather look dumb than she. For gods sake, I have already taken her from the wild, cut off her wings, trimmed her demon claws, she has been through enough humiliation... time for Mommie to take a bit. :oops:
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