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Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:32 am
by sheyd

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 10:50 pm
by sheyd
Yep, I'm pretty convinced that he's clucking...done the exact same thing three times now. :(
He has also done the male display to Kyria's? Latino avatar.

I'm guessing the reason why some say that they don't start displaying until eight months + is perhaps the amateurs wouldn't know what was sexual behaviour and what wasn't...Chocobo is 17 weeks old.

Could someone move this please? I think it's in the wrong section..still trying to figure out where things should go..sorry.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 3:44 am
by pinkdevil
A couple of my babies make a noise similar to that.

Maybe they are just experimenting with all the different noises they can make lol :)

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 2:11 pm
by ryelle
aww it sounds like he/she is trying to talk. The clucking thing sounds like the noise Spit makes when he copies my kisses :D

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 6:08 pm
by xx_sheena_xx
i think he sounds like he is kissing

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 5:17 am
by kyria
awww .. your chocobo has good taste :wink:

Its ever so hard to tell, it sounds like baby noises to me. 17 weeks is very young to display much at all yet, still just a baby and sooooo cute. Although at the same time my pickle did display a male style of behaviour very early, which then wasn't seen again until alot later (he has just got his full ring in at just over 24 months old)

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:08 pm
by sheyd
If we hadn't of gotten him DNA'd then I'd still be thinking he's a girl!
He's just over one week shy of seven months now.
His newest behaviour is trying to regurgitate (sounds, head bobbing-everything but), he does a huge heart shape wing spread to any IRN on this forum and Youtube (but not any other species of parrot/parakeet) and will occasionally still make the clucky sounds (as seen in vid) while being scratched.