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Variety of Diet!

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:52 am
by Aldeleen
HI all!!

Ok so i come here to topic allot to read and to learn from others-- but i have a bit of a situation

My Pikkels is now almost two years -- im waiting for the mault to say boy or girl!!

So here is my question! Pi-ko doenst eat sunflower seeds-- he has never taken to them and only eats 'budgie mix'-- im not sure the name for it but its the small seeds-- i buy the best quality and i mix millet and Jap Millet and all sorts of varieties with it and he LOVES it!! I also gives him little coloured biscuts things-- he softens them in the water and then he eats them heheh so cute!
they call it Parrot Bix, I also give him give him minerals in the water every two weeks!

So he likes apples, plums, grapes , oranges and passionfruit-- and a bit of peanut butter on the apple-- BUT THATS IT!!
He refuses to eat vegg and i try and give him carrots and beans and corn --- but he just throughs it out! He also doesnt like treats-- like anything- -he will not eat from me or anyone if you give him say a biscut-- he will not eat it -- not ever bread!

Im worried that he is not getting all he needs to be healty-- however he is in good shiny and churpy condition--

How can i intruduce my Pikkels to more variety of foods! Ive tried sitting with him and showing him but he pulls away and then moves along to go play!!

Does any one have any suggestions maybe?