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Rescued IRN Help and advice

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 9:48 am
by ash9965
Almost 2 months ago I was able to rescue 2 IRN's ( appeared to be treated very badly ) they were in a cage together about 12 inches by 16 inches -almost no space for a pair that size. Their wings were cut extremely short and almost no tail feathers. they were very nervous and frightened at the slightest move. My first thing I did was to set up a larger cage however getting them from 1 cage to the other was a task again they were terrified and when I finally was able to get a hold of one it bit very hard and drew blood before I could get it into the other cage same thing with the 2nd . Needless to say My fingers were bloody and sore for a bit. So far this is the progress I have made . I daily feed them and open their cage for a couple of hours . At first they were so terrified they would not exit the cage even if the door was fully open and every time I walked near the cage they would panic fluttered all over the place. as time has passed they have started slowly coming out of the cage a little at a time but if someone unexpectedly moves coughs or sneezes they panic and get back in the cage as quickly as possible. They still sometimes panic when I approach to feed them and will not come any where near my hand. I am starting to think the best we can hope for with this pair is that they are well fed and able to at least come out of their cages for a few minutes everyday and enjoy some peace from whatever terrible life they used to have. A few questions - 1. Am I on the right path with them .2. What can I do to make the taming progress go better. 3. Is there any chance they will ever be tame or is the damage already done from their unfortunate past..

Also some things to note they are both green and not sure how old.. I am assuming they are either both females or young males as neither has a ring as of yet. Any advice will be deeply appreciated. Thanks in Advance..

Re: Rescued IRN Help and advice

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 6:28 am
by sanjays mummi
I think you're doing Exactly the right thing, allowing them to settle in without too much meddling. If their wings have been clipped, (butchered by the sound of it) they feel even more vulnerable, because they cannot fly from danger, or what they perceive as danger, Ms Sanjay was aviary hatched and parent reared, so she was semi feral when I got her seven years ago, she is much tamer now, not "silly tame", but I never get bitten, and I can stroke her.
The best you can hope for are birds like mine, she isn't keen on hands unless it's on her terms, she never rides on shoulders, but she accepts treats from me, and we have a "call" which we exchange when I am in another room. It will take time, and patience, but firstly, they must learn to trust you, their caregiver, secondly, their health needs to be built up, and when their wing feathers have grown in, they will feel more comfortable, knowing they have the ability to escape from harm. Biting is usually angst (fear)), especially so in your case, they must have been grabbed and manhandled quite roughly, then the discomfort of having their wings crudely clipped. They are Very lucky to have found you.

Re: Rescued IRN Help and advice

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 11:49 am
by ash9965
Thanks :D