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Is this bluffing? Advice needed please

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 12:53 pm
by Drpepperkel
Hi all i posted previously about my ringneck bodie, he/she is now 15 weeks old. Bodie doesnt seem to have a favourite yet... he bites as both the same! I dont think hes scared he is out the cage for at least 6 hours per day he will.gladly accept food from us and will sit right next to me and play and whistle happily however his biting is abdolutely relentless. Will it end at all and is this bluffing? Ive tried to ignore it but he will bite my hand then cling to the back of my neck and bite that, my ears and then on my head he will bite my forehead eyes pinning a lot. I cant ignore it any more its so painful...i put him back on his perch and walk away...he will then fly over and bite me again and again and so the cycle continues. Im really at a loss as what is he best way to deal with Bodie he/she is wonderful but i really want the biting to reduce any advice would be much appreciated. I am making sure he she gets enough sleep so i dont think its tiredness. Thanks

Re: Is this bluffing? Advice needed please

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 10:37 am
by AJPeter
Does Bodie bite more in the morning. My Alex bites me in the morning especially if I rush the getting up process. I turn up my shirt collar and wear a hooded jacket, it is best to try and discourage the biting because it gets to become a habit, stick train your bird and watch for the eyes pinning, his stance will also be threatening of his intention to bite. Try and work out what you are doing that annoys or frightens him.