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My bird is acting strange HELP!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 11:27 am
by Lunax
hey guys i'm a new IRN mom (just got my bird 3 days ago!) and i love him! i named him Cedric Beakory (after Cedric Diggory in the HP films) only problem about him is, he was brought up from a place of neglect. they placed birds of different breeds all in one room (but different cages) with nothing but a wooden perch, food, water and a place to sleep. I knew he was going to be tough to crack looking at the state of his cage. He is a bit old, he lived there for quite some time and is TERRIFIED of me. i try to feed him fruit ( he only ever eaten seeds) but he thrashes in his cage and all he does all day is climb his cage, and its a large one with a good toy for him to chew on and ring the bell. he doesnt know how to play with the toy and never stops moving. he only eats and drinks when i leave the house for school or coursework which concerns me. im going to be clipping his wings so he is easier to handle and train but he is worrying me! The first 15 minutes of bringing him home he was bleeding on his wing because he thrashed so much! please explain whats wrong with my bird and how i can help him understand im here to help not hurt. if i get 3ft close to his cage is gets shaky and starts to breathe fast.

Re: My bird is acting strange HELP!

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 6:39 am
by AJPeter
Your bird has to learn to trust you, read more on our site and you will find the answers, sit by his cage when you eat your meals, I would not clip his wings l think it makes them more aggressive. Let us know how you get on with Cedric.

Re: My bird is acting strange HELP!

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 7:11 am
by Lunax
AJPeter wrote:Your bird has to learn to trust you, read more on our site and you will find the answers, sit by his cage when you eat your meals, I would not clip his wings l think it makes them more aggressive. Let us know how you get on with Cedric.
his cage is close to my bed and office space where i work on things and where i sometimes eat he thrashes around when i'm close (like when i open his cage to refill his water and food with fruit and nuts) or rearranging the shelf under his cage which has all his hygienic supplies. i read a blog about clipping his wings in which it says he is more docile and isn't as aggressive im very confused on what decision i should make. a couple weeks ago, i let the cage open and closed the door in my room and went along my routine (experimenting) i went close to his cage, he thrashed out, and flew out. since he was in a confined space for such a long time, it seemed like he forgot to fly and hit walls and mirrors. he got stuck between my bed and wall and i couldn't get him without a nip to the hand.

what i'm trying to say is, its been three weeks since i got him and yet he still not used to me. strangely enough although he seems to be terrified of me, he hates it when i leave his sight. like when i want water i go downstairs and he starts squaking and then i come up to my room and he thrashes. he is giving me mixed messages.

Re: My bird is acting strange HELP!

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 10:11 am
by AJPeter
It will take 6 months or more of patient work to help calm him down, eat your meals by the cage they are very social things and he will be interested, try leaving the door of his cage open when you are there. By the way how large is the cage? He should have room inside to flap his wings, also they need 12 to 14 hours of uninterrupted sleep in complete darkness, can you put him in a different room to the one you sleep in? Do the seed bowls swing out? I think most of the people on our site would be against clipping his wings, the only defence they have when threatened is flight if you take that away from him his only resort is to bite. However you must do what you feel is best. But make sure you know what you are doing first. I have a lovely female Alexandrine parrot whose wings were not clipped she flies to my shoulder and gives me kisses. :D

Re: My bird is acting strange HELP!

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 5:59 am
by Lunax
AJPeter wrote:It will take 6 months or more of patient work to help calm him down, eat your meals by the cage they are very social things and he will be interested, try leaving the door of his cage open when you are there. By the way how large is the cage? He should have room inside to flap his wings, also they need 12 to 14 hours of uninterrupted sleep in complete darkness, can you put him in a different room to the one you sleep in? Do the seed bowls swing out? I think most of the people on our site would be against clipping his wings, the only defence they have when threatened is flight if you take that away from him his only resort is to bite. However you must do what you feel is best. But make sure you know what you are doing first. I have a lovely female Alexandrine parrot whose wings were not clipped she flies to my shoulder and gives me kisses. :D
this is great and to answer your questions: i put a dark towel over his cage and leave him outside my room. usually when i sleep everyone else is in their rooms settling for sleep. Second my bird never bit me or anyone really im doing exercises with him to help him get used to my hands, such as instead of cleaning the bottom of the cage everyday, i put newspaper so i have an excuse to put my hand in his cage. i'm doing this daily. his cage is moderately large it isn't small either. im not happy with it because some parts are bent (he still cant escape and even if he had the chance he is too afraid to try) im 4'10 (i'm really short) and the cage is up to my chin and goes down to my hip. (under the cage is some shelving) and is a couple inches over shoulder width. is that good enough? i appreciate it and please give me some training tips so he can learn to step up on command and such! :D

Re: My bird is acting strange HELP!

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 10:02 am
by AJPeter
If you want tips on training look under Training, personal l do not train my bird if she wants to step up she does although sometimes l force the issue,
I like to think that if my bird escapes she could survive in the wild, I hardly think a tamed bird who does tricks in front of other birds is going to be rewarded with food. My bird has lots of ways she communicates with me and I with her, l do not want her parroting my words! To make sure the towel cuts out the light put it over your head in a bright room, you have to make sure light does not creep under it. By the way your cage sounds big enough. it wants to be 2' x 2' x 3' high at least. I hope you will not clip his wings.