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Having trouble taming a young pair of ringnecks

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:29 pm
by MintyZallah
I was sold two 5 month old ringnecks that were supposedly hand-raised and then just hadn't had handling recently..
I dont think this was the case, when going to collect them they were kept in an uncovered outdoor cage, with minimal seed and water in the feeders and no signs of fruit or toys in the cage. To put them into the cage I'd brought with me she used a butterfly net and was rather rough, the birds were terrified of being near anyone.

I've had them for about a month now and still have a lot of trouble getting near them, they dont play with any toys I have left near their perches, the only fruit they will eat is apple (and thats only when i leave it in their food bowl all day. They are terrified of hands, so the only way i can approach their dishes is to cover my hands in a towel and take the bowls away (even then Oslo still squawks and runs as far as he can, Max just kind of shys away).

Everything ive read says to sit there and talk to them every day which i have since getting them, it allows me to be in the same room without them freaking out, but still will not let me near them. As they dont really like treats, the bribing them option ive read about is useless. They also dont like things moving around them so the perch option to get them stepping up wont work either. Ive given them such a large space that they dont seem to care whether they are in or out of a cage, they just sit on the top perch anyway unless going for food.

If I seperate them for any reason Oslo will just scream until I put the two together again.

I'd love any advice that anyone has on how to help these birds, I have no idea what else to try anymore ~

Re: Having trouble taming a young pair of ringnecks

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 3:19 am
by sanjays mummi
You don't say how long you have had them, but I can tell you, aviary hatched/parent reared birds take much much longer to tame.
What you describe is normal, it is Exactly how my bird was when I got him seven years ago. It takes time and patience, A Lot of it, and you must persevere, even now, there is No way Sanjay will go near a stick, and only recently has he begun to perch on me, and then for the briefest second, as for food, your birds have never had fresh food, of course they'd be suspicious and not go near it at first. Don't be impatient and try to run before you can walk, treats through the bars Do work, try walnut halves, or dried figs. Hands?, even now I can only tickle and scritch Sanjay when he decides.

Re: Having trouble taming a young pair of ringnecks

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 4:25 am
by MintyZallah
Ive only had them just over a month, but I'm worried that I'm only doing the birds more harm than good by forcing my presence around them.
I had to take them out of a cage as they kept damaging themselves getting their wings caught in the bars every time they got scared.. so now theyre just on open perches in a room.
They cant fly as their wings were clipped before they were given to me. But they still seem to try to, they dont really understand that they cant.
I've tried every fresh fruit avaliable here and same with nuts, apple is the only thing they eat and thats only in the last week or so. Only if its left alone in the cage for the day though.
I understand that whatever I need to do to get them used to people will take a lot of patience, I'm just worried that I might be doing the wrong thing as nothing on the websites I look at seem to be helpful to these birds, most of it mentions treats, toys or perches. None of which the pair are interested in.
Its my first time dealing with birds, in the past I've had neglected/abused cats, dogs & snakes. Never had as much trouble understanding what to do as I do with these two little ones..
Any advice is very much appreciated

Re: Having trouble taming a young pair of ringnecks

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 5:14 am
by sanjays mummi
Clipping is just adding to their angst, they cannot escape from what they perceive as threat or danger, it's like hobbling a cat or dog, and maybe they need a bigger cage.
If they are eating the apple, it is fear which is preventing them from eating it straight away, no apple seeds though, they contain cyanide. Birds need time to settle, to trust their care giver, and bond with you, remember, these birds are seed eaters first and foremost, Fresh seeds from fruit and vegetables, dried seed is an after thought, just keep offering, sweet corn cobs, peppers, peas in the pod etc, I skewer them and hang them up, it's more natural to them, kiwi fruit, papaya and passion fruit are great favourites too. Let their feathers grow back, my bird has Never been clipped,