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what generals been up to latley

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:55 pm
by bec
general is coming on really well & he has settled in with the other two but this morning as im typing this he seems to have discovered his voice isnt just for complaining he has been chatting , calling to riku & muttering while eating almost as saying
"wow this is really good why havent i tried this before?"
hes still nervous of hands but very curious about why riku would want to fly to me when thees perfectly good brocolli in the feed bowls :roll:
he has decided he prefrs to get himself into his cage early rather than risk the chance that i might want to put him in so most nights bedtime for him is i just shut the door
when it comes to food he is a real cutie he will try everything i put in his bowls then he will check out the "big cage (kieron & rikus) to see if there is anything better in there :lol:
general absolutly loves riku but is terrified of kierons mating dance but loves the mass fly around the loungeroom screaming time
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

and what i call gargoyle time the 2 blues sit on the top of the cages
&pretnd they are made of stone

the only time im allowed to get close to general so far is feed time & whem
n im singing along to matchbox twenty
but he is definitly less scared of me now

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 8:30 am
by Bella
Sounds like you are making great progress :D Congrats :wink:

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 10:05 pm
by bec
thanks bella