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Aggressive female Indian Ringneck

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 6:11 am
by m_kf2
I am new here and this is my first post. I have in total five Indian Ringnecks. I have a pair in 4x5x4 feet cage. This female(screams a lot) which I found in my yard eating food of my chickens one day,she was very frail and sick. I took her in cared for her and in 2 weeks she got healthy it's been 1.5 year since I have had her. She was very aggressive towards me. She adjusted with me right after 2 months she allows me to pet her. I got her a male(too scared of humans and her) 8 months ago. She used to be very aggressive towards him, she used to chase him and try to bite him, he used to hide in the nest box and she didn't let him out . She never bit him, he has no bite marks. 5 months ago, the pair mated(no aggression) laid eggs, (presumably it was her first time) the clutch was infertile though. After a month they mated again, laid 5 eggs 3 hatched and they raised all 3 babies successfully, babies stayed with them for 7 or 8 weeks. All was clam. I thought that now they will be mates like budgie or cockateil pairs . But it all began again. He is scared and hiding in the box, I am concerned about his health I don't when he eats. The female doesn't like to play with toys. She just wants to tease him.

Re: Aggressive female Indian Ringneck

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 11:36 am
by sanjays mummi
Personally I would separate them.

Re: Aggressive female Indian Ringneck

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 5:59 am
by shanc21
I agree. I'm kind of new here and to Ringnecks. I have a rescued female that I've had for 2 months and am still learning. But I have read that some females can be very aggressive to males and that males sometimes are killed :(. I wouldn't risk it if there is any aggression there. I don't know that the fact they have bred once matters. I think it still may be dangerous for the male.

Re: Aggressive female Indian Ringneck

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 11:14 am
by sanjays mummi
I agree, even if she wouldn't kill him, t'isnt fair to let him live in fear of her, besides, it wouldn't do her much good to lay eggs often.

Re: Aggressive female Indian Ringneck

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 7:19 pm
by Dishy
Hi all,
Some advice I've read says if female is aggressive, try clipping female wings so the male has more chance of escape? But this would depend on your setup and some other environmental factors of course.
I had this issue with my mating pair but after a minor separation she wanted him back and was nicer to him, I guess in my situation that absence made her heart grow fonder? However Zoey and Paladin both give each other a hard time at points, but fights are normal between birds, just like its normal between humans or other species. Just keep a regular eye on them.
Others make great points about the male living in fear - is it fear though? or is he just putting up with her aggressiveness? My mating pair still argue over food and getting too close (they don't cuddle or anything?!)...apparently mating wasn't too close though lol!

You know your birds, I am sure you'll discover a fix for it just with general observation and patience.

Good luck,
