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Breeding IRN

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 3:23 pm
by kaylakime
I have a pair of IRN and this is their second clutch of eggs in the 2 years I have had them. Last year the female had a clutch of 3 eggs, 1 never made it out of the egg, the other 2 hatched and 1 died in the box and the other was removed by myself to help its growth and to try and hand raise it but died a week or so later, I think because of malnutrition and neglect on the mothers part. With this new lot this year, she laid 3 more eggs, but we have recently found 2 of the eggs had been thrown out of the box, I'm not sure if it is her throwing them out because she is rejecting them or if its the other birds pulling them out. We have her in an aviary with the mate and 3 other IRN's. Could it be she is rejecting them because they are all together? I'm worried that this last one that she has wont make it out of the egg, or wont be looked after if it does eventually hatch.
Should the pair be removed into a separate cage during the breeding season? Or is there a different approach I could take to have a successful clutch of chicks?

Cheers in advance

Re: Breeding IRN

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:05 am
by rick_s0910
Hello. I personally keep all my pairs in separate cages. I've never tried keeping them as a flock, so I can't really help you there. What I can tell you is that a friend of mine, who is also a breeder, had a pair that killed all their babies last year. He's bred them several times before and they've never done this. He feels that it might be, because he was checking the nestbox too often. That hasn't happened to me but I make sure not to bother them too much. I have lost babies though. My point is that maybe the other birds are stressing out your pair while they are in the nest box. I don't know if it helps, but I also feed them more "soft" foods. I boil, then mash up their veggies. I would put the breeding pair in their own cage. I hope you're babies make it, next season. Good luck