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Help identifying mutation

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 7:29 pm
by rick_s0910
Hello everyone,

It's been a long time since I've logged on. I recently purchased an unrelated pair of ringnecks and the female was sold to me as a pallidIno, the male is Pallid Grey. I know it's impossible for females to be pallidinos but even after explaining that only males can carry two sex linked mutations like pallid and Ino, the owner of the pet shop kept defending the breeder he got them from saying that he trusts his breeder knows what he's doing. Anyways, to me she looks like she is pallid grey green. He claimed she was DNA tested female but didn't have papers to prove it. Should I test her again to see if "HE" could be pallidino or am I right thinking it's a pallid grey-green? Her parents are supposedly lutino and a pallid green , but he doesn't know which was the male or the female . That has me confused because to me she looks like a pallid grey-green and I don't know where the color would come from . Thanks for your help Image