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Yodas first move

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 3:52 pm
by Lauren
Well, the moving day had come, picked a horrible day to move too, was really hot and sticky outside, unusually hot this time of year. So, Dad and my brother came over with a van to help, I had one transport cage so I decided to take the birds one at a time to the new house.

Jibby was first, he had fun, settled in right away happily talking away while we moved, no problems at all. He’d done this a few times before and has had numerous car rides. I had him sitting on my lap in a cage in the van. When we were driving he was chirping away but when we stopped at lights he loudly told my dad to keep driving lol.

Then, it was Yoda’s turn, having come back to the old place; we forgot the transport cage, so we thought we’d try fitting Yoda’s cage in the back of the van with Yoda in it. No problems, it fit, was secured and a little covered to keep him calm. I stayed behind to clean up a little while Dad and brother took Yoda. I probably should have gone with Dad, knowing Yoda would be scared.

So, as they were leaving I just had a feeling Yoda would be trouble. I said to Dad, watch this one! He’s got plans for world domination. I was anxious about Yoda as he gets scared in the car and hasn’t really moved before other then when we first took him home. So here I am sitting at the old place thinking something’s going to happen on Yoda’s trip.

Then, the phone rang. It was my brother telling me there’s a problem, Yoda has escaped from the cage somehow, in the car and was fluttering around the van, perhaps the latch on the door opened while bumping around in the van!! I asked him whether there was a towel in the car; they might be able to towel him. But they decided to turn around to where I was. Good idea, because Yoda trusts me more than them. So I ran out the front armed with a towel, Dad and brother still sitting in the car, they had to quickly jump out before Yoda realised the door was open. So I jump in, and spot Yoda down the back looking really terrified. Poor bub!! I felt bad for him. Straight away he came to me. Lucky!! I towelled him and held him close for a bit until he calmed down, kissed him a million times too!! then put him back in the cage. This time I made sure the cage was completely secure and there was no chance of a break out! I met dad and brother at the new place with my partner so I could make sure Yoda was ok. Yoda was fine once he saw Jibby and has settled in well.

Surprisingly, Jibby has become a leader and was even allowed to kiss Yoda on the head! Even I am allowed to kiss Yoda on the head without being snapped at in defence! This is a breakthrough! Yoda even let me tip him on his belly in the shower! Woah! Its like he’s a whole new Yoda. The move seemed to have calmed Yoda down or shocked him into trusting me more. I think Jibby has ‘reclaimed’ his territory. Jibs seem a bit more assertive and Yoda seems more trusting. They have both claimed their favourite room… the bathroom of course!

They also love the new wild birdies in the neighbourhood. There’s a large park at the end of the street (dead end street) with lots of tall gum trees for parrots, only a couple of houses down! There is a flock of wild cockatoos, a flock of galahs, a flock of lorikeets and what I’m most excited about... corellas as I’ve never seen a wild corella, saw my first one today as I was walking to the bus stop on the other side! Since we moved here I’ve been wondering what this bird call was, as I’d never heard it before. Corellas! hehe They all roost there at sunset. The sky is quite loud at this time with all the wild parrots screeching around up there! Forgot how noisy they can be, it’s great! Might have to borrow my sister’s new SLR cam and go bird watching. Hehe.

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:42 pm
by pinkdevil
Sounds like a big adventure for the birds, especially Yoda. :) There is always one that is a bit of a rebel lol.
Good to hear they have all settled in their new home with little drama & stress. I bet Yoda & Jibby love the new sounds of the bidie relatives.
We have wild galahs and sulpher crested cocktoos here as well. There is a large tree in the neighbours behind us, and at certain times of the year it is covered with cockies and galahs. Make alot of noise to, even drowning out my lot lol. But it is very cool to see them in the wild.
Have fun in your new place!


Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:19 pm
by Lauren
Oh the stress has been tough on them, when we moved in the whole place had been re painted and smelt of fumes, I aired the house out a bit and put them next to the front door (open with security door closed for ventalation) all the windows were open, its been 35 - 40 degrees here for the last week. So the heat, the paint fumes and the new environment must have been bad for them. They seem fine now though, Ive been keeping the air around them ventalated and cooling them down with the mister twice a day.
They seem to perk up after the sun has gone down and its cooler. Still Im keeping an eye on them.

I love hearing all the parrots around here, dont know if I could ever own a cocky, my partner thinks the ringnecks are too loud. :D

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 11:15 pm
by pinkdevil
lol yeah ringies are a bit noisy but not as loud (IMO) as the Sun Conures or Eckies. I have 17 IRN and only 2 Sunnies and the sunnies definately override the ringies in the afternoon "treat time". As soon as the door opens the Sunnies are yelling out while the odd ringneck makes a noise. :roll: We have 3 Eckies at the moment and although they don't make a lot of noise, when they do it is LOUD!!! lol


Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 1:55 am
by Lene
Congrats, Lauren, on the move... Your birds will settle in quickly, and as you, I love listening to the wild birds.... and my own as well... they put me to sleep - after nightshift.

I get a fright every time I look at one of your posts... What kind of bird is in your avatar?

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:12 am
by bec
im so glad yoda was ok after all the excitment , glad that your all settling in well & i have also been asked by matty (the newesr fid parent in our house) what your avitar is

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:18 am
by Lauren
:lol: Thanx all! My avatar is of a Shoebill.. they are about as evil as they look. hehe. From Africa I think? Aparently they are one mean species. I just think, oddly enough, they have a kind of beauty about them. Very cool looking bird. 8)

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:49 am
by bec
matty (my 12 year old son) said "its cool can i have one?"

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 9:00 pm
by Lauren
hehe.. they look about the size of a pelican. Itd probably eat IRNs for dinner. They eat other birds. :(

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:00 am
by riantango08
hi lauren congrats on your move,i hope your fids settle ok now that the heat has finally settled down.
you would of loved it at my place yesterday we had a flock of about 100 corellas in the large trees in my street,
i had to run out the front with my son to see what all the comotion was about :P
then they all ended up in my front and backyard trees it was amazing.
we've only lived here for about 10months and it was the first time ive seen anything like it. we usually get cockies and lots of seagulls but nothing like this
it was wonderful,im hoping to see more of it.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:53 pm
by Datsun and Family
Yoda is a brat!! Glad the move went well.... wouldn't be right if there hadn't been any excitement!! Give the boys a kiss from me xx

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:23 pm
by Lauren
:lol: Aww thanx Chamon.. will do.. hes been super cuddly today, even got a naptime snuggle under the nose from the lil monster! :wink: How is the fids doing? and how are you girl? Take care xx

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:25 am
by kyria
So glad the move went well Lauren :D .

Gosh I have been away so long, there is so much to catch up on. I miss this place so much. But work and time with the family and my boys (fids) especially now daylight savings has ended and it gets dark not long after I get home. I just don't seem to find the time :( Plus alot of stuff going on with the family .. sigh .. so tired all the time.