Need help, please

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Need help, please

Post by sillyolbear1182 »

I bought a grey irn almost 2 weeks ago. The gentleman said that he/she was 6 months and was hand fed by a woman. My daughter named him/her skeeter. But everytime that I put my hand in the cage or walk by the cage Skeeter lunges and bites the cage. While making a squaking sound. I am new to owning a bird, and was wondering if anyone can tell me how to break Skeeter of this biting problem. Please help!! It seems as though he was sheltered from humans, will he get better as he gets older? They said that Skeeter was born in Feb. of this year. I would love as much info. and advice as you can give...
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Post by Mikaela »

How? Time

When? Up to Skeeter

Why? Probably just a new home but why doesnt matter. All that matters is from today on and how YOU handle Skeet.

Suggestion: You have to do like all the rest of us, TAKE THE BITES. No way around it. Everytime he does it say Nooooo, not loud but like you MEAN it. Only time can tame a bird. Not enough love in the world. Although it takes your love as the catalyst. My baby girl is a mean hen. HATES to be touched. But as I sit here typing with sore fingers, I can tell you she appreciates me spending time with her and taking care of her.

The biggest change in her was when I stopped holding eye contact with her. I thought that would make her trust me (works for humans) but it only intimadated her (as it does some humans). Now, she doesnt shake when I go see her. NEVER draw back from a biting bird, they will only bite you harder next time. Take the bite and say Noooo bad boy Skeet!

Please, handle him more, he deserves it. The bite heals, the bird tames and these days wil soon be over.
~ Mikaela Sky

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Post by sillyolbear1182 »

I work with many different types of birds up at the farm, and I am fairly used to the birds "checking" me out with their beaks. I just never saw any of them this aggressive when you just walk by the cage. I don't pull my hands away, usually he chomps once and then licks my hand. But my husband has never been around birds and I have to teach him that the bird is testing him in a way. I bought him at a bird show in Plant City, FL and I felt so bad he was in a tiny box with a quaker and looked so sad. I give him a bowl of seed and pellet mix, he also has a bowl for his fresh fruit and veggies. I've been opening the cage and hand feeding him his favorite foods, I heard somewhere that this might help him get used to me, is that true?? I just want to make sure that I can do all that I can to make Skeeter feel loved and happy. My dog whines sometimes at him and he'll start to whine back, its the cutest thing. I also wanted to know how much fresh friut and veggies should I give him a day, should I mix up the varitey daily? Should you mist a bird with water if it won't take a bath???? Any advice will be great, about anything and everything I should know. Thank you so much
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Post by IMR4N »

Well where to begin? Lets start with the biting it seems that your bird may be going through a faze that they call bluffing on this website. Basically it’s a hormonal period that all birds go through some take longer than others and some start later than other. Its just like when a child becomes a teenager. I agree Mikaela you shouldn’t pull away it may hurt but the bird will soon desist my bird is still biting but I just ignore him if he displeases me as should you or I put him in his cage for a timeout.

Never shout or even say firm words to your bird because they just see it as hostility towards them. I wouldn’t feed them pellets I would rather give them fresh sources of vitamins. A third of their diet is fresh fruit and veg. and if you know anyone with a fruit tree then put some branches in the cage as perches they do like to chew fresh branches (but do wash them you don’t want you bird t catch any diseases). They eat leaves and all sorts. Since you do work with birds you probably already know this but this is for other people different sized perches are required for your bird to exercise its feet properly.

I hope this info helps you.

If you send in some pictures maybe we could sex it for you.
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Location: Islamorada Key, Florida U.S.A.

Post by Mikaela »

Plant City huh? Tampa here, howdy neighbor.
~ Mikaela Sky

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