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propr way to react.

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 5:26 pm
by laneg
I understand the reasons behind "bluffing" but what is the best way to "discipline" bad behavior. I am rewarding good behavior. treats when she steps up or lets my tickle her tummy. What is the best way to treat bad or unwanted behavior. My baby is 12 weeks old and has been hand raised and in my home for 1 week.

Re: propr way to react.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 2:33 am
by sanjays mummi
It depends what you mean by "bad" behaviour. I use the word "No" if Sanjay attempts to chew something of mine, if he vocalises loudly when I'm on the phone I tell him to be quiet, you'd be surprised at how they understand, if not the word, the tone of voice. But "bad"?,I have Never met a "bad" animal yet.

Re: propr way to react.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 10:49 am
by laneg
Ok I get that, and it makes sense but what about lunging or biting. My lady has not bite hard just beaks when she lunges but I dont want to mistreat her behavior. She is my first IRN so I don't know how to best teach her what is unacceptable.

Re: propr way to react.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 10:55 pm
by sanjays mummi
Lunging is her way of telling you to back off, You are doing something she doesn't feel comfortable with. One of the reasons I never get nipped or bitten is because I know what p's Sanjay off, and respect his wishes. You will soon be able to read her body language, I have never tried to coerce Sanjay into doing anything he isn't interested in doing, so he still doesn't sit on me, but will now ask for a tickle or kiss as long as I don't use hands, this is mainly because he was aviary hatched and parent reared, and was semi feral when I got him seven years ago. There have been brief sorties, where he has flown across and hovered briefly around me, but then he wusses out, I don't mind, because I would rather he did things at his own pace in his own time. Quite recently he very very briefly landed on me, but that was more accidental than deliberate,and the way he took off! He obviously scared himself silly. Patience is the name of the game.