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Charli's adventures with Mozart our st bernard/sheppard mix

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:23 pm
by tiggerbewa
Well i have only had my Charli for 2 months but he is keeping us amused. We have a st bernard/sheppard mix with the sweetest tempermant. We were so worried about them getting along we actually took the dog along to the airport. First meeting was in the car bird in carrier. Charli is fasinated with the dog wants to get up close and preen him. The dog at 140lbs wont have it he keeps running away.

So we let Charli hang on the bed and the dog comes up gets up on the bed with us. Charli sees the dog and goes down my arm and hops off onto the dog. The dog wasnt having it lol. He gets up to leave only Charli was still on him. Charli jumps off and the dog takes off. The dog has actually been very sweet to Charli from a distance that beak freaks him out I think. They of course are always supervised.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:57 pm
by alana8819
thats adorable its funny how dogs and other animals seem to be afraid of birds i can just imagine the dog running off scared :lol:

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:05 pm
by Donna
Just be very careful accidents do happen and they happen quick.


Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:00 pm
by Melika
Sometimes Tsume is frightened off his playstand and lands on Zoe, who is the most frightened of them all. So a scared bird on a scared dog... Zoe begin to run but Tsume won't let go because he's too scared. :?

Zoe isn't allowed near the playstand anymore when the birds are down. She likes to 'glean'...

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:06 pm
by Lauren
:lol: Funny how animal can be soo the opposite of nature.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:03 pm
by bec
tiggerbewa you had me laughing out loud with your tale
lauren i know what you mean about animals being the opposite of nature, i have one cat who gets scared of guppies & will run and hide if they try to look at her & another cat who chases rotwiellers of the property
and a bird who tells my cat off for recieving pats off me
and a dog whos scared of kittens (but not of the cat who attacks dogs)
& i was always told that the teenagers would be the confusing ones
:? :lol: :? :lol: