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Can I have two birds in one cage?

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 9:50 pm
by Fidgit_Green
Hi there, I am looking into getting my bird a friend to keep him company.
I was wondering if it is OK to house them both in the same cage if they are OK with it?

My cage is 100x75x50.

I don't have the space to have another cage in my house, plus I don't see how they can keep each other company if they are in different cages.

Also if it is OK, would I be better to get a young bird so it grows and matures with us, or would I be better to get an already mature bird to join my 3 year old bird.

I appreciate all the help.
Thanks guys

Re: Can I have two birds in one cage?

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:27 am
by sanjays mummi
I was offered another IRN only last week, but I refused, I don't have room in my flat for another big cage, and quite frankly, I cannot see Sanjay accepting another bird. You would definitely have to keep them separated for several Weeks, and you wouldn't be able to let them out at the same time, birds are every bit as territorial as any other pet.

Re: Can I have two birds in one cage?

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 5:39 pm
by MissK
Are those dimensions in centimeters or inches? if centimeters then absolutely not, as it is the smallest cage one could consider for a ringneck, in my opinion. I believe Figit is used to a lot of out time, correct?

I found that my two mature birds, upon finding themselves in the same room for the first time, were very interested in each other. I don't recall any initial conflict, but I was slow to house them together and had to back off a few times. Upon introduction of cohabitation there was some initial discomfort, or lack of the total thumbs up, and I went on the side of caution. They have been living together now, as memory serves, not quite a year. (Read my thread "Welcome Mr Sinbad Silly Pants for accurate timeline information.....) Out of the cage they did cleave together very quickly.

I do think it depends on the individuals involved, how they will get on. From Rocky's seemingly positive reaction to bird visitors, I thought he was a good risk for having a friend. Sinbad was a total unknown, though he had lived with a female (Rocky's male) before. That I put them in matching cages and then moved them back and forth, ultimately ending up in Sinbad's may have helped. I should have moved the perches but Ii don't recall if I did - again, refer to Sinbad's thread.

However long ago that was, it has taken until recently for Sinbad to start messing with Rock's tail. I haven't seen it, but it's the best explanation why his tail is suddenly getting ratty. I recently did move the birds to a different room with a very different dynamic, and it seems to have made Sinbad bolder. Time will tell what's going on here; there were a lot of changes at once, including poorly supervised young guests for a week and a half.