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Ok, Ok... I admit it...

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:37 am
by Mikaela
I sometimes like to yank Baby's chain. He is so easily pissed that one feels almost compelled to piss him off.

Takes nothing really. Turn your back to him and he wants to eat you. My favorite thing to do is... :oops:

Ok, you know how when they are sleeping all tucked and happy? I kiss him on his head saying 'wake up baby, give mama a kiss-kiss'. He wont bite my face (although I would probably deserve it). HE GETS SO PISSED.

He will give me only 2 kisses. Everytime he will listen to the command only twice. After that, he is in no mood to entertain me.

So, I get my two kisses (two seperate commands a few minutes apart) and he is all fluffed up, mad as hell! So to get him REALLY pissed, I keep talking to him.

Like any other man, this annoys him much. The orange around his eyes comes out. He is pinning and all fluffed up. Sure to bite you if you commanded step up. I think he is catching on to me doing this out of kicks because he bites the crap out of me if I try to step him up or touch him afterwards. :twisted:

But anyway, I think the reason I have this new sick obsession is because when he is doing his thing, you cant see all of his ring. But, when you make him mad, his ring comes out because he is all puffed up.

I think thats why I do it... and well its just fun.

Anyone else aggravate their bird for kicks? :oops:

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:42 am
by Gemstone
i would wake jasper up for cuddles.

he wasn't impressed, but he got over it with a sunflower seed.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:05 am
by fiona
I don't but my friend tries to "out smart" Fiona to get to pet her. Many times, she ends up out smarting my friend :roll:
She knows him and is cautious when he is around......but he whistles sooo good. She can't decide whether to hate him or like him. consequently, he gets bit a lot. Fiona has this sick sense. Even if she can't see you (ie her heads in the nest) she knows you're coming near her and she will pop out and lunge fast as lightning. Once he held out a treat w/ one hand and prepared to pet with the other when she went for the treat. What did Fiona do? She calmly went to grab the treat and when she was really close BAM, she bit the hand with the treat not the hand that was trying to pet her.
I was laughing. My friend underestimates her intellegence.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:09 am
by xo Missi
I totally understand where Baby's anger comes from! :lol:

When Joe wakes me up...I get SO pissed at him. If he tries to talk to me I snap! Just let me go back to bed! :wink: As you could imagine, I'm not a social morning person either :P

But Mik...I totally understand where you're coming from. I love to kiss Jazzy when she's sleeping! That's when they get all warm and smell the best :D

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:17 am
by Dani03
Are you kidding?!?!? That's the best! I love sneaking up behind Aggers while she is all tucked up and burying my face in her soft feathers. She just grumbles and ignores me.

Prinny on the other hand gets all pissy but doesn't bite (but that's my Prin) She'll just take the 'abuse' and waits until I'm finished :P


Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 12:41 am
by kosejentan
Jia is trying to learn to talk and I noticed the other day that he says "kom" (come). Have probably tried that for a while but didn't say the "K" clearly until now. Well, when I detected that I really try to learn him new words and I just found out that one word pisses him off - "okey"!!!! He gets so angry!!! :lol: When I say "okey" he either scream back or says "good boy" in a very angry tone. :lol: :lol: :lol: I cant do anything but laugh. He's sooooo cute at that moment.

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:38 am
by Mikaela

Glad I posted this.

Baby contact calls if I sing. :oops:

Matthew use to cry as a baby if I would sing.

Must be something to that. :?

Nila gets mad!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:47 pm
by Bird crazy
I have a pair of gold hoop earings I wear all the time and Nila learned immediately how to pull them out of my ear and then fight with me until I could pry it out of his beak. Well now I most always remember to take them out before I pick him up. But if I forget he immediately goes for the ear and if I reach up and snatch the earring before he does He growls and head butts me and goes around in circles and growls again and throws a fit and he stays mad for quite a few minutes. :lol:

My Mom saw it the other day and she laughed and laughed at him he was so mad.

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 8:12 pm
by Mikaela

They act like very spoiled, ill-raised two yr olds. :lol:

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 7:20 pm
by CricketsMum
Cricket sits on my shoulder all the time.

When I've had a shower & my hairs nice and wet, I flick dry my hair while Crickets on my shoulder and she goes off. She head butts me and growls like you wouldn't believe. It's sooo funny. :twisted:

(Lucky for me she's never bitten me yet, she's a sweetiepie) 8)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:04 pm
by Mikaela
I love when Baby growls but he only does it with his wife, Peaches.

He is banded and she takes full advantage of that. If he wont leave her alone, she'll grab to it and hold it until he says 'uncle' -giggle-

He loves her so much. He has never done anthing mean to her, just aggravates her when he is bored. Example: following right behind her as she walks on the stand bottom, acting all cocky... right on her tail.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:02 pm
by nichole123
My little chief likes to mess with me when I am sleeping on the sofa in the front room. He screams out a death call and then turns his back to me and acts like it wasn't him. He only ever screams like that when I sleep!

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 6:27 pm
by alana8819
i agree they are just like 2 yr olds. cookie isn't allowed in the kitchen because we live in a crappy 70's unit with chipboard cupboards and he loves to chew them and spit it every where, he will wait till im looking at him then put one foot in the kitchen and stare at me then he throws a toy in and gives me his sad eyes like i have to get it now :roll: he is so cheeky