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Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 11:11 am
by kimtoo

If any of you are in Tampa or near enough to Tampa to go to a flea market to look for a lost FID, please PM me ASAP. Mikeala saw someone at this flea market trying to sell a hyacinth macaw for 12,500.00--you all know a legit Hyacinth owner does not need to sell at a flea market! I have since learned about a hyacinth lost from a forever home rescue foundation and the owners are willing to drive to tampa if the bird is still there! They will buy the bird back if it is their bird. PLEASE!!! If someone can go, I have a list of questions to ask and some specific info about Mayan, an 8 year old Hyacinth Macaw who is part of Liz and Bob Johnson family (shyne foundation). They are desperate to bring him home. This may not be Mayan, it may be legit but instinct says otherwise.


Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:25 pm
by Bird crazy
Hope they get him back.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:28 pm
by Guest
hi too. The bird Mik saw is most likely NOT their bird but still, there is a chance that it is. So sad....

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:38 pm
by Bird crazy
Perhaps just notifying the police in Tampa they could check it out and see if the people are there with the bird and question them. Is the bird microchipped? Let all the vets know in the area too.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:55 pm
by Dani03
Man that would just crush me. And I would have to hunt the person who stole my baby and beat the ever living tar out of them...but that's me

Hope they get that baby back


Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:33 pm
by Mikaela
OMG I interacted with this woman and held her bird.

Oldsmar Flear Market at the corner of Tampa Rd and Race Track Rd is where I sighted the macaw and took pics with it because of the oddness of it all.

A woman is her 50's, maybe be on drugs. So not sure of age. Hard looking. A big woman. Like round I mean. Know how some look as round as they do tall? Short, unkept natural aging brownish/gray... gray moreso hair. Most of her front teeth were missing.

I am trying very hard not to judge but IMHO, she appeared to be a woman on drugs pushing a bird. She wasnt clean... smelled... with a 10 thousand dollar bird not clipped in a harness. Im an ex attorney. I know when **** dont look right. Thats still what Im paid for, simply dont litigate any longer. And that wasnt jiving.

I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt when my husband got her to 6500, with no problem, that the bird wasnt in the hands of the rightful owner. He is good but not that good. Thats what he does for a living.

I found myself reporting all of this to Kim about a week later because my gut wouldnt let me, let it go. Yet I had no reason to think this of this lady and felt bad for doing so.

Jeff was actually taking pics of me playing with the bird and I didnt realize it until I just now mentioned OH how I need pics of this baby bird! He said, I took pics of you playing with it. BAM. We' in bizness.

They are very small pics but if it were my bird, it would be plenty big enough. The woman is in the pic but not her face. He was focused on me and the bird. Any pic will help huh? You can see enough of her to ID her though should you know her, absolutely.

And well uhm, if this is YOU and YOUR bird... sorry. Take a bath before you leave home with a 10 thousand dollar bird and people wont be so suspicious of you.

Will paste this and the pic on board. Wouldnt you know my damned arm would be covering her face. In on pic though you can see she is missing teeth by the way her mouth sits. Almost a whole face shot, definately enough to go to jail over and have the bird placed back with the Johnsons.

Uploading pics now.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:55 pm
by Newbirdmom
ohhh I hope this bird gets to his home again. Sounds like he is not in good hands at all. Poor thing and the poor owners I would be going crazy if it was my bird.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 5:23 pm
by Mikaela
Here are the pics. This may be totally on the up and up and I hope it is but if not, this is certainly a damned good piece of evidence.

I mean face it, this bird looks younger than 8 yrs maybe but you simply DO NOT run across this bird everyday. Lucky to see one in real in your whole life. This deserves investigation.

Pics taken on cell phone but better than nothing:



Really good shot of her face, see how she is missing teeth by the way her mouth sits?


-sigh- Best I can do. I have been doing an extreme amount of reserach on the Mayan's. To learn the birds name is Mayan made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

I dont have it in me to look for her tomorrow, considering but someone needs to... she will be there IF someone hasnt bought the bird yet. If someone has, we are screwed.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:23 pm
by kimtoo
anyone in the Tampa area that can go?? I am HOURS from there or I would go myself....

Mik-can you pm me and tell me if this bird had a leg band?

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:25 pm
by kimtoo
sorry! could you email pic's to me so I can forward to Liz? Did the bird talk? What was the birds demeanor? did it seem very tame...looks pretty tame.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 7:45 pm
by Bird crazy
take a look at the last pic it has a yellow leg band. you can see it on the rt leg.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:38 pm
by kimtoo
i can't see it :(

if you are certain it is there I believe you. I see something that looks kinda like a yellow spot in all 3 pic's. Is that the same thing you see?

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:40 pm
by kimtoo
also...does that look like a flight suit? in her hand....the lost bird would probably NOT tolerate a flight suit....

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:55 pm
by Mikaela
The bird was very tame. Demeanor was submissive but normal, macaw-like... she didnt mind being touched and enjoyed being looked at but she seemed nervous in the sense that she would spook.

Too, the lady seemed as uneasy with the bird. Honestly and probably stupidly, I was far more comfortable with interacting with the bird that she was. My husband treats me child-like (grrrr) around large breeds and I remember him saying 'thats enough, give her back before she bites your face'. I believe that is a secret fear he may have... even with baby.

Baby doesnt spoke when people come by. He is use to crowds. This bird wasnt use to A LOT of people walking by and invading its space (touching him when he didnt even know they were there). BUT it seemed to be use to being around 'a lot of people'

I shouldnt say not use to, it was more of he wanted to go home. He didnt like it there. Too much stimuli. Darty eyes and he would turn while perched on my arm. He was uneasy. Really heavy too!

Im not well-versed in the larger breeds but she claimed this bird was breed by Busch Gardens for she and her husband. Delusions of grandure? She claimed it to be four months old.

The whole thing is kinda weird. Left click on the pic and save it to your desktop, them you can email it to the Johnsons.

The thing that stands out:

Know how your bird acts when some else is holding it? It tries to 'search and keep you in field'. It bends towards you. It is 'ok' with whom is holding it but your baby is looking to be back on you.

Well, Thats how this bird acted. I am going back in my head and playing it back. Unfortunately, Im cursed like that.

The woman acted with too much confidence for any of this to be connected. However, I practiced law long enough to know that a child rapist looks like your next door neighbor and a thief is one of the most charming, charismatic people you would ever want to meet.

Thats why they are successul at what they do. They pull of the persona. Well.

Yes Kim, a poo catcher. And she remarked that she always makes her wear it.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:02 pm
by Mikaela
Forgot to mention... the lady would only touch her tail and she did it over and over like a nervous thing... rubbing down the birds tail. But thats the only place she would touch it and she thought I was INSANE. :shock:

Maybe, like a child, Im not scared of what I dont know. Big bird dont scare me. Birds make is very clear what they are thinking and feeling. Respect it and maybe I can keep my face and fingers.

Because my first bird was a very quick, agressive ringneck, the arger breeds just dont bother me. They can be fast but cant strike with the vicousness and speed of a cobra, as a ringneck can sooo, I have the advantage.

Im fast! Baby trained me well. :wink:

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:07 pm
by kimtoo
strange...did the bird have a legband?

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:16 pm
by Mikaela
Didnt notice, sue says she sees one. Maybe someone can zoom in with a high-zoot photo program and even read the tag.

I could if not brain dead. Going through the past 20 yrs in my head with all thats going on and it just now hits me... I was a mama at 15. God bless my soul and my baby's, shew. I was so busy surviving that I didnt even realize how hard and fast me and my baby were running to jump those obstacles.

Given time and purpose to reflect on the past 20 yrs, I can gratefully say... wouldnt change a thing.

I hope his daddy went feeling that same peace. We were young but we loved our youngen. That love never dies. Not if its true.

A true love child that is, to this day, surrounded by so many that bow to his feet as 'the grandson'. Which is great in theory but there are many other grandkids in the family and noone expects anything from them.

Matthew has a lot of unspoken expectations on him and he has always excelled and has been a 'good citizen' at home and away. Though he is no punk/push-over. Quiet strenght.

That pressure worrys me, yet it is what drives him. He is almost too good to be true and the fear of him 'snapping' worries me. Kids do stupid ****. A lot moreso than in my day. Moms always say... I had no idea.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:35 pm
by kimtoo
Mayan is not banded. I sent the pictures anyway but based on what Liz told me about him I think this is a dead-end.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:38 pm
by Mikaela
Thats good then. And Bad. Grrr.

Ok, about this flea market lady? Keep my nose out of it? Or does it still rub you wrong now that you have seen the pics?

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:42 pm
by kimtoo

damn....Especially a baby. One breeder I contacted a year ago said 10 grand and a 2 year wait list! Sound like a flea market bird to you? Just does not sit right. She was actively trying to sell the bird? right?

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:53 pm
by Mikaela
Yes, I walked away with the feeling that was the purpose she was there.

In her hands are no shopping bags, not even a hand bag.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:57 pm
by kimtoo
I can't beleive anyone would be willing to sell a hy for 6.5 either....just does not sit right

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 10:00 pm
by Mikaela
She stared at 9 but its like she knew 6500.00 would do it.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:20 am
by Mikaela
Lets learn from this, if nothing else.

Odds are, more than 75% of us have cell phones. Most cell phones have cams. Lets use them.

From now on, if it doesnt look right, Im snapping a pic. Mayan taught me that could maybe even save lifes. Or return people and pets home.

If it doesnt look right, question it, take a pic... dont just walk away. What if this were a missing child I had a pic of because she was screaming leaving the store because noone taught her to scream THIS AINT MY DADDY!! So everyone else thinks 'what a horrid child at least he is getting her out of here'. When he is actually pulling a CODE ADAM.

See, my point?

To be a criminal attorney one must think like a criminal. If you dont, you stand no chance. Hey... Im no angel. Damned hard to be an angel in the devils playground.

Do I have the wicked, sinister mind of a criminal? Absolutely. Only difference is, I choose to use my powers for good. Crime pays (name of my boat actually)... no doubt about it but its best to make your money on the right side of the law.

Like a criminal, I could never be the hunted so I am a good girl and use my wicked mind to help others less cursed in helping those than have been hurt. If not for being hunted like an animal... I'd be Bonny. And wouldnt need a Clyde. So, thank ya Jesus.

Could I kill someone? No doubt in my mind. Been in that situation and did the very best I could but was unsuccessful. But not from lack of trying (home invasion in west palm in '96). I 'came too' and had knocked the dude out and was trying to cut him in half with a shovel.

Exactly how paw paw use to do the snakes on the rez. No memory of even going to get the shovel. My head tells me now that I would have RAN when I got the chance but I didnt. One cant say what they will do when the chips fall. You can choose fight or flight. I tend to go into fight. We are products of our environment.

I snapped and came to trying my very best to cut him in half at the toreso. Too bad my shovel was old and dull. I finally stopped 'stabbing' him when my arms were too tired to bring the shovel over my head. I was doing it in like a stab motion... he was on his back and I was driving the shovel into him while standing and from as high above my head as possible. He scared me like I had never been scared. Somewhere my head told me, 'someone is going to die tonight but it damn sure aint gonna be me'. He had actually just robbed a bank that day and was on the run. He didnt want to hurt me, just chill but I didnt know that.

After I snapped back I called the law and told them they had better come get this 'sonofabitch' out of my house and they had better hurry because Im now in the procress of trying to chop this snake in half.

I sit on the couch with my sons t-ball bat and everytime he would move (even flitch from my attack) I'd knock his **** back out. He'd come to, I'd knoch him back out. This went on until the cops got there.

They said I would need 'extensive counseling' to get over this. I said no... he will and went back in my house and shut the door.

Come in my house invited, leave with a gift basket. Come without calling, leave in a body bag. Very weird about how I let all up and through my house.

Could I steal? I dont think I could do that but never tried. Maybe from a corporation but not a person that I know. However, I can sure instruct another how to do it and not get caught or how to get out of it if they do, if I had it in me.

All Im trying to say is: You must be able to digress mentally or awaken an awareness within your own self with each individual case/person you respresent. You have to see through there eyes. To do that, you must too have a very sinister mind.

That doesnt mean you have to act on it. I use it for good. To enhance the well-being of others. And to make money. No shame in my game. I didnt grow up saying 'ooo I hope in my 30's Im broke with no job'. So, I dont really feel bad about making money off of scum bags backs. A job is a job.