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Eating News Paper

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 4:56 pm
by taylorleos
I have a 7 month old blue Indian Ringneck and he's been eating the news paper that we put at the bottom of his play stand for an easier clean up. At first I thought he was just tearing it up for fun and spitting it out but we have noticed hes eating it! We also noticed he just wants to bite things, he doesn't but us at all but out phone cases he goes to town on and a tissue box. We do not know how to proceed and and all help would be super helpful!

Thank You!!

Re: Eating News Paper

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:39 pm
by MissK
Prevent him from eating the paper in any way you have to. It can get compacted inside and make serious trouble.

Do give him acceptable stuff to chew. Provide foraging. If he insists on ingesting the toys, use large pieces of fresh vegetables and research first to be sure they are safe. Some easy ones to avoid - avocado, onion, rhubarb. Others may be not good, or part of them (such as the area around the pit in apples or stone fruits) may be iffy. Others may be fine if the amount eaten is in moderations - example, don't let him OD on spinach. There is much to know about foods before you start giving just anything to your bird. plenty of informatin is here and on the net, though some of it is self-contradicting.

Re: Eating News Paper

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 12:37 am
by azgardezi
My bird just shreds them and throws them away in his water cup.
I think it's a fairly common behavior. :mrgreen:

Re: Eating News Paper

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:02 pm
by vishnuluffy
i see mine chewing but not eating..will start to keep an eye on him from now on