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One Year later

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:01 pm
by Waikare
So I got Anikin just over a year ago as a baby hand reared male,
He was clipped before I got him, then I started feeling sorry for after about 6mths walking on the floor and climbing up to everything just seemed silly, I thought stuff it he will go threw his first major molt soon so I will just let his wings grow backback, at first he was clumsy would crash everywhere but that's to be expected, but now he can fly circles in a room, fly up from the floor, like a real bird and for the first time today flew from his cage on to my shoulder for a kiss, he seems so confident now, and I'm really happy for him might have a beer for him lol, p.s. bloody Melbourne weather

Re: One Year later

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 12:58 pm
by AJPeter
Now you will regret Anikin's freedom, he will get into every thing. But at least he is a real bird, well done

Re: One Year later

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 1:38 am
by Teabag
So happy to hear that, I got my little Stella about a month ago, she is around 6 months old now (going through her first moult, feathers everywhere...), severely clipped, and I don't really know if she did some flying before she was clipped even....
My aim is to have her tame enough to at least have a semblance of control before her flight feathers grow back, but I definitively want her to be able to fly, and it's lovely to hear your Anikin has figured out the whole "hey look I'm a bird and can fly" thing, I'm looking forward to Stella doing the same, keep us posted on progress?

Hege :-)

Re: One Year later

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 4:53 pm
by Donovan
expect your bird to start flying around 9-10 months (in my experience).

I will also say from experience that once you realize flight feathers are coming in don't -make- your bird fly.. I did that and my bird ended up being a little scared of me for a while because of it.. I have rectified the situation since then but let him do things at his own pace.

Re: One Year later

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 3:28 am
by SkyeBerry
Just wanted to agree with Donovan - By IRN came as a clipped baby - was not my choice - It took him three years to become a confident and competent flyer.